Its interesting. Psychiatrists working with the Soviet space program, developed a test to determine the level of Field-Dependance (FD) or Field-Independence (FI) in potential astronauts (cosmonauts). This was later developed upon by NASA to help them also select people for our own space program.
FD were people who needed to rely on what they see to determine where they were in the world.
FI were people who did not need visual references to determine their location. They're visual fields were completely separated from their perceptions of other things.
FI, in high degrees is only found in men. They made better navigators, because they could better know their location in the broad sense of a map without visual references. Weightlessness did not bother them. They were not fooled by "funhouse" styled visual misinformation. And, they tended to be better at creative problem solving. However, too high a degree of FI is also found in people with some forms of autism.
The tests for this were tasks done in complete darkness. It sounds a little like those who cannot enjoy smoking in darkness, may be more FD, and those who can just as easily enjoy their pipe in the dark might either make great astronauts, or they may be autistic, Hmmmmmm....
I see a dissertation in there for someone, lol.