Smoking in Public - Best Experiences

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Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I'm glad you guys enjoyed that. It's absolutely true.

Here is the Ascorti.



Can't Leave
Jun 18, 2010
Every year in april and sept, I go to thunderbeach motor cycle rally in Panama city beach, Fl. The tiki bar in the sandpipper beacon resort has one back wall, the other three sides are open to the beach, every night I spend at least some time there because of the bands, and some of my riding buddies are bartenders there, I never fail to get at least one compliment on how good my pipe smells



May 10, 2009
I was in a fast food drive thru line earlier this week. This place has young workers outside that take the orders and deliver the food before getting to the window. I was smoking a straight bulldog and an English blend in my car. The young guy who took my order admired the pipe and said "awesome pipe", another young guy passing my car said "wow, that tobacco smells good". Both comments made me feel that the anti-smokers have not yet killed all positive thoughts about pipe smoking among the youth of America.



Might Stick Around
Aug 17, 2010
2 days ago I went to Tower Hills Botanical Garden. This was my first time there and I wasn't quite sure if I would get any problems for smoking. This place is huge and full of beautiful plants from all around the world. I enjoyed my walk with a nice briar pipe filled with Sweet Black Cherry pipe tobacco. It was about 80 degrees out and there was a very pleasant breeze blowing. All throughout the garden there are wooden benches for people to sit. These benches were the perfect place to sit and have a smoke, They managed to make sure most of the benches where in the shade under a very nice tree and had a great view of the perfectly maintained lawn and statues which are placed along the walkways. Also this garden contained fruiting varieties of edible fruit such as apples and cherries which was nice considering I was smoking cherry tobacco. At the end of my walk I sat in the shade by a wildlife refuge pond inside of a gazebo. I switched from Sweet Black Cherry to Black Forest Cavendish and made my way home very pleased and very relaxed. I will definitely be visiting this garden again.



Can't Leave
Dec 13, 2009
Maineyachtie wrote:
The best is when you run into another pipe smoker. Lots of talk about blends and pipes, latakia - love or hate etc.
I was at a local smoke shop last year and had a great conversation with a young Airman stocking up for deployment. He was allowed to fill one box and the way he was going about it would put most people's cellars to shame.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
I actually met another pipe smoker just today. I was waiting for my prescription at the local pharmacy and this older gentleman walked in with a pipe in a holster... We didn't get to talk much but it was fun to actually meet another pipe smoker in the flesh!



Jul 24, 2010
Great stories here! A couple of years ago my wife, daughter and I were out at a pumpkin farm shortly before Halloween. They have a play area set up with swings, slides etc for the kids and I was over there watching my daughter as I was smoking some Civil War in a Boswell freehand. A man who looked to be in his late 30's started walking towards me. My first thought was that I would be getting a lecture about smoking near the children. I was pleasantly surprised, however when he commented that my pipe looked really cool and he loved the smell of the tobacco. We chatted for a bit more before it was time for us to head home. Nice end to a nice day as I recall.



Might Stick Around
May 23, 2009
I was browsing at one of our local farmers' markets and detected the scent of aromatic tobacco in the air. I followed the aroma to two guys in their late 20s/early 30s lighting their pipes and shooting the breeze. I took the opportunity to say hello and introduce myself as a fellow pipe smoker. I lit up my pipe, and we got acquainted for a few minutes before we had to go our separate ways. As we chatted and puffed on our pipes, several passersby took notice and complimented us on the pleasant smell of the smoke.



Mar 21, 2010
A few years back, I was having lunch in a Vietnamese Noodle house..., the kind

of place where the floors are a bit sticky and three or four languages are spoken.

The only other Caucasians in the place were three grand dames that looked like they

just got out of a DAR meeting. After finishing the meal, I dug out my Pipe and

loaded some of Greg's Odyssey, thinking to myself, this ought to get a rise out

of those women. After I'd lit the Pipe and got the bowl going good, one of them

got up and came over to my table. She commented that it was refreshing to have the

complement of my Pipe's room note, while she and her friends were eating, as it

gave them pause to remember when men were men. It just goes to show that you can't

judge a book by the cover.



Mar 21, 2010
Entirely my pleasure Bubbadreier. It demonstrates some of the differences we

see today. The most common reaction I get, from those younger women who say anything

to me about smoking a Pipe in public, is astonishment that I'm using it to smoke

tobacco. A fair number of them have just not encountered it before. These older

grand dames came from an era where it was commonplace. With the interest in Pipe

smoking I keep reading about that's going on college campuses, I'm hopeful that we

will see a resurgence in Pipe smoking. Yes, I'm a dreamer.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
I actually ran into another 20 something pipe smoker today at my local shop, it was the highlight of my day!
I hope one day we get back to seeing pipe smokers everywhere!



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
Back in 1976, at the tender age of 24, I was transfered to the HQ of what is now the world's largest pharm company in New York. My job was to start an export business for our division. I was told that I'd be interfacing with the export traffic manager and that he was the world's biggest asshole. Day 2 in NY I screwed up my courage, grabbed my pipe and went to his office to introduce myself and take his measure.

I heard him bellowing at his people about something and cautiously approached him. He noticed my pipe and took me in his office and closed the door. I figured "here it comes; this is how we operate". He looked at me and told me to sit down. He reached into his desk drawer and extracted a pipe and a tin of Mac Baron's Golden Extra and pushed the tin my way. We loaded up, talked pipe things and actually became pretty good friends.

All of a sudden I was getting red carpet treatment on that floor and people could not fathom how I got things done that others couldn't. I just told them that Charlie and I had a understanding. It was a beautiful thing.



Mar 21, 2010
Great story Papipeguy! It reminds me of the was Peter Stokkebye wrote

of his life experiences. Bravo!



Can't Leave
Aug 14, 2010
Fantastic story papipeguy. I actually met a pipe smoker in public for the first time yesterday. It was at a great little bar called brother tuckers in Pompano Beach, FL. An old world beer garden kinda place. It was about 1:30 AM and my friend Ben and I were about to leave when a man about 30 years old wearing a collard shirt, dark dress pants and suspenders offered to buy us a round. We were pretty drunk already, but the beer at this place is not to be passed up. The beer is mostly imports and high quality micro brew domestics. High alcohol content in most of them as well (8% - 14% and higher in the tripel tripels of the trapist variety). Anyway, I had been smoking my pipe for hours at the table outside and he couldn't let me leave without introducing himself, letting me know he smoked a pipe as well, and starting a discussion of our favorite blends. Ben and I ended up having 3 or 4 more rounds with him and his friends. He and I agreed to meet again there and bring some samples for the other to try.

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