I usually open and go thru one tin at a time, but sometimes I find a blend that I'm not too keen on and jar it up for a time. I've been working to build a cellar, and over the past year it has grown to about 10 tins and 3 or 4 bulk blends in jars. Hence my dilemma: I'm trying to resist the tins and let them age, but I don't have the money to stash away 5 to 10 tins a month like some do. So should I open all my tins and store in Ball jars so I can go from blend to blend, or just continue in my current manner? Or open and jar a few while keeping others back? It seems like every time I get up to about 12 tins I end up opening one or two so I end up at the same number of unopened ones. I never knew trying to start a cellar could be so confounding!