Smoking Different Tobaccos in the Same Pipe?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 12, 2013
I think it depends on the specific blend, for example you can dedicate a pipe for aromatics but if you smoked say, Peterson Sunset Breeze (which I just tried and was not a fan), you will taste that blend in every aromatic blend you smoke after. So basically you'd need a pipe just to smoke Sunset Breeze. Otherwise a pipe for latakia blends, one for Virginia, one for aromatics and so on would be fine. Even then I tend to stray and smoke whatever, in whatever pipe without noticing any differences. Unless it's a blend like I previously mentioned.

Just keep them separate, it's a good excuse to buy more pipes. :mrgreen:



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
In reading these later posts I'd like to amend my previous statement:

I also separate Vas and English, but doing it mostly out of some sort of 'pipe responsibility ' more than actual taste difference
Aromatics, when I used to smoke them, leave a ghost that I cannot get away from, even after reaming and retort. I'm talking about blends such as Sail, Borkim Riff, Captain Black, etc. e.g. Drug store blends
I had smoked them in my Petersons many years ago. I sold two and kept one for old times sake


Sep 20, 2011
Cortez, I wait for the right combination. When I taste a combination that really works for me, I just stick to it. Mostly I stumble onto these discoveries through trial and error. An example would be that I've found pear wood pipes (for me at least) pair outstandingly with straight VAs. I've additionally found that a briar pipe used for VaPers will impact the delicate taste of a straight VA.
The process is admittedly not very scientific, but it has resulted in some great combos. I would estimate that half of my meager collection of 25 or so pipes are dedicated to a specific blend, with the rest dedicated to a specific style or in some cases 2-3 blends of a given, similar style (with a couple of switch hitters for sampling new blends/styles).



Nov 23, 2012
I just grab it and stuff it in the pipe I want to smoke at the time. I tried for awhile to keep them separate, but I found that it really didn't matter to my tastes that much. :puffy:



Apr 1, 2013
Beware of the man with only one pipe, because he probably really likes to smoke it.
As for me, I fear no ghosts, and willingly share different tobaccos with like pipe shapes: love Va/Pers and Va/Bur/Pers in small bowls, and English blends in big bowls.



Oct 22, 2013
I only have a few pipes I smoke everything in, and they are Jack of all trades, master of none types. They smoke everything ok, but none really fantastically.
I have Latakia only pipes, Va/VaPer only pipes and (because I smoke a TON of these) VA-Oriental only pipes. Within the first 4-5 smokes, I can usually tell which type the pipe smokes better.
The only pipes I have that are semi-blend dedicated are the ones I smoke Lancer's Slices or Penzance in. Those are so big that they overwhelm others. Try smoking Penzance and then a bowl of LEO or Prenbyterian, its right near impossible to get anything but Penzance. So far only a Savinelli 320 and a GBD Rhodesian are my frontline troops there.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 21, 2013
I have a couple pipes dedicated to latakia, a few for Vaprs and one anything pipe



Oct 23, 2013
My palette isn't developed. I never notice a difference except what I'm currently smoking with the exception of aros. In my cobs, I don't notice a difference - period. So briars smoke my VaPers and English, cobs smoke everything else.
All pipes take my PA with no problem, though. :P



Sep 13, 2013
Im still a rookie so I'm not experienced enough to notice this difference...hell, I'm still trying to pack a pipe the same each time to get a good draw.

I smoke what I want in whatever I want.

I don't belive those old cowboys had a pipe for each blend they smoked.



Can't Leave
Feb 20, 2013
I try to keep my nicest pipes dedicated to certain general styles - Virginia or Latakia, etc. However, most of my pipes are fair game for anything. To make exceptions to any rule, I have a handful of other pipes that are dedicated to certain blends because they'll ghost anything else....Condor, Crooner/Deertongue, etc.

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