When a visual person, such as myself, reads a thread title like this one, it conjures up a very unfortunate image.
I’ve read in Manchester’s “The Last Lion” that Winston Churchill had a manservant who daily gathered Winston’s cigar butts and smoked them in his pipe.
more often than not, by the time the cigar has smoked down to that level after two hours of drawing through it, the tars have collected in that end and tastes nothing like the majority of the stick previously did and is not worth smoking further.
I’ve chopped up part of a cigar to smoke in a pipeI smoke cigars, and I smoke a pipe. I enjoy both, but much prefer a pipe. I don’t think that the experience or tobacco is the same. Am I wrong?
Dictionary: pith·y /ˈpiTHē/First turn the underwear front to back for the second day. then inside out on the third and front to back, inside out on the fourth. You'll realize savings in laundry and replacements.
What if you just sliced the cigar up precisely for piping? Is that heresy?When a cigar has been exceptional and I want to enjoy every last iota, I have loaded the stub in a pipe and smoked it. In my experience, more often than not, by the time the cigar has smoked down to that level after two hours of drawing through it, the tars have collected in that end and tastes nothing like the majority of the stick previously did and is not worth smoking further.
What if you just sliced the cigar up precisely for piping? Is that heresy?
I do that with hopelessly plugged as well as sticks that are damaged.What if you just sliced the cigar up precisely for piping? Is that heresy?