It's a pendulum swing, and a reaction to the underplaying of smoking risks for decades by cigarette companies. We have the advantage, these days, of knowing more about those risks (even if we as a species aren't particularly good at calculating risk accurately). Speaking personally, I've seen my mother-in-law die of lung cancer - she smoked cigs for decades, gave it up in her 60's, and then got the diagnosis at 80. On the other hand, my father didn't smoke or drink, got plenty of exercise, ate well, and died in his 50's of a lung ailment (might have been related to his father's smoking, or might have been related to the VOCs in the printer's ink he worked around most of his adult life as a commercial art teacher). I babied my lungs for 47 years before finding out that pipe smoke (which I never found as obnoxious as cigarette smoke) doesn't get inhaled as it's produced... I'm guessing that since the ads making cigs look cool and sexy didn't work on me that the dire warnings probably won't as well.