So I am a keyboard jockey. I am on a computer at least 6 hours a day. This is due to the fact that I am not only a computer nerd, I am a interior designer. This means I do most of my work on the computer. Because I use AutoCAD to do most of my work.
Here is the problem, tobacco smoke, really any smoke, does go well with computers. Mainly because the particles from the smoke tend to settle in the computer's fans and internal components.
So I was thinking about getting a desktop air purifier with a ionizer option. I would like to know if the community thinks this would be a good idea or if you have a better idea?
Here is the problem, tobacco smoke, really any smoke, does go well with computers. Mainly because the particles from the smoke tend to settle in the computer's fans and internal components.
So I was thinking about getting a desktop air purifier with a ionizer option. I would like to know if the community thinks this would be a good idea or if you have a better idea?