Smoking a Pipe: Hobby or Life Choice

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Mar 9, 2010
A life style choice and a hobby. I want to do more pipe carving, not so much pipe collecting anymore.



Sep 14, 2011
Well. Hmmm.

Using tobacco is a choice we make, no matter what form or forms we take it in. So it's a "life choice" for all of us. We may narrow that choice as to how we use the weed - we may eschew cigs completely, for example, and use all other forms, just smoke a pipe, whatever.
If we are pipe smokers, we may use the pipe simply as a way to get out nic fix. The old-timer with his big can of Granger, say, who smoked one pipe, didn't worry about it, threw it away after a while and got a new one - this is the classic example.
We become hobbyists, in my view, when we move beyond that - we try to learn about pipes and tobacco, we seek out certain blends or pipes, we build tobacco cellars, make pipe racks - whatever. That makes me a hobbyist - but it's one hobby amongst several. :puffy:



May 10, 2009
I was "just" a pipe smoker for about 30 years, then I stumbled upon the world of pipe shows and clubs. Now I am both a pipe smoker (life choice for 42 years) and an avid member of the pipe hobby collecting pipes, tobaccos and accessories, and attending several shows and regular Chicago Pipe Club meetings. I very much enjoy both the life choice and the hobby.

Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
Great views expressed here by all. Has certainly given me food for thought as to why I "stumble" on the hobby aspect!
I kept refusing to consider myself a hobbyist when it comes to my choice to smoke a pipe as I read through this thread, took more effort the farther I went though!
Juds' reasoning turned the tables on me though.
...We become hobbyists, in my view, when we move beyond that - we try to learn about pipes and tobacco, we seek out certain blends or pipes,...
Hi, my name is Brian and I am a pipe smoking hobbyist. By choice (-;
Few of us, myself included now, can answer this in a black and white fashion it seems.

Life Style choice and Hobby, both fit what we're up to rather just one or the other.
So the next time I see someone use the words "This hobby of ours" in a post I don't think I'll pause and stumble over a choice of words (-:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 26, 2011
Lower Hudson Valley, NY
Pipe smoking is kind of unusual for me. I've never been a smoker. Never knew anyone that smoked a pipe or cigar. Pipes just sorta called to me too. I picked it up one day, lit a bowl and bam- it worked. I am still a newbie and I don't smoke everyday but I enjoy it and look forward to the next one. I'm not sure if it's a hobby or not, I never questioned it.



Oct 1, 2011
Old Belt/U.S.A.
As for me and the tobacco, That will be a life necessity just as food is. The pipe part of the equation will be the hobby, which has become a mind crippling obsession.



Mar 22, 2011
For me it's a hobby. Travelling to pipe shows, meeting and hanging out with carvers, taking pipe-making seminars, it's all part of the fun. I have several good friends whom I've met through pipe shows, and when we get back together once a year, it's like a family reunion.
I can put the pipe down for days and days, even weeks, without feeling an "addiction" kick in.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 4, 2012
A little bit of both, I have been trying to cut down on cigs and actually have! but on the other hand pipe smoking is a great way to unwind and relax, so it is a 50/50 gig...



Nov 21, 2011
I'll tell you what my tobacconist said:
Cigarettes are an addiction. Cigars are a hobby. Pipes are a religion.



Might Stick Around
Dec 18, 2010
Jud - Truly you are an intelligent man...
For me it is much more a hobby than a life style choice...though I do admit it is both. The research and selection have an immense appeal. I am not a nicotine addict (yet!). To me, the nicotine is merely a nice side effect at this point. I do not consume on a regular enough basis to consider the nicotine content of the tobacco as a necessity (though the nic-kick is very intense incentive). There are just so many flavors and varieties that make this such an intriguing endeavor. I would agree with those who say that merely contemplating this question is a bit of a contradiction. I do it because I like it. Some tobaccos taste phenomenal, and the nicotine sensation is very relaxing and enjoyable. Perhaps the enjoyment of the pipe smoking is enough without labeling it. I must admit I also feel the same way about the slow-smoking competitions I have heard about...why make it competitive? Why worry about the nature of it? For American Indians it was (and still is) a religious experience. That seems fitting enough for me.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 10, 2012
South Carolina
I had been smoking cigarettes for the past 14 years. I started the pipe to put down the nails. To smoke cigarettes is IMHO a lifestyle. Me using the pipe to put down the nails, also makes it IMHO a lifestyle as well. I look for bacs that do have a good nic hit. But I also like milder smokes too.
And while I was smoking nails, I had to have a cigarette. With the pipe, it's as if my mind is will to stop nagging me for the nic fix, because the pipe is much more fulfilling. And I can wait for it, because the payout of the pipe takes longer to get but is worth much more that what the nails were offering me.
That and pipes are a lot of fun. I've ordered bac off of the web and my boss is a pipe smoker too so we've got that to talk about, not just work.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 24, 2010
I am a Christian. I am a pipe smoker. I am a sailor. I am a reader. I am a struggling artist/musician. I am...

I'd say that for me, my life style is just the sum of my hobbies and interests - it's the sum of all I do.
I really like the way you put that, Phillip. I am kind of in the same boat. Pipe smoking is probably more of a hobby for me (along with collecting, refurbishing and now, pipe making [I'm beginning to attempt that, at least]), but I consider it as part of a lifestyle that I would say is broader than any one thing.
For lack of a better phrase, I would say that lifestyle could be summed up as, "the gentlemanly pursuits." These (for me) include (but are not limited to): politeness, good manners, having integrity (especially, when I give my word), a literary practice (meaning, I try to read a book once in awhile--so as to stay open minded about the world, and people), optimism, artistic pursuits (which can mean anything from looking at a painting to creating something with my hands--whether I think it's "good" or not), a good work ethic, a healthy suspicion of my government (and the knowledge that nothing they can do, short of imprisoning me, really affects my day to day happiness--unless I let it), curiosity about the world (and its people), and practicing the golden rule...among other things.
I say this, not to distinguish myself, as I see that many of my pipe smoking brethren practice these "pursuits," but just to point out that many of us have these traits in common. The fact that OTD even asked the question displays that curiosity about the mysteries of pipe smoking, whether you see it as a hobby or a lifestyle.
I guess what I'm trying to say is (which many here have already said more eloquently), that's a hard question to answer. Nonetheless, it's a great question to ask. But, I think Simnett's tobacconist really hit the nail on the head...
Cigarettes are an addiction. Cigars are a hobby. Pipes are a religion.
I'm off to go practice my religion...



Might Stick Around
Feb 7, 2012
I smoke a pipe on my own terms. It's a hobby.
I smoke a pipe on my own terms. It's a lifestyle choice.



Feb 20, 2011
Richmond, BC
I'm in both camps, though I treasure and revere my smoking instruments so I'm more in the hobby camp.
Love that you pulled out Richard Cheese Baron.



Jun 23, 2011
Hobby or pastime for me.
I have never smoked cigarettes at all. I have smoked pipes on and off for 30 years, in the past year re-engaging on a more concentrated level than for the last 15 years (when I paid more attention to cigars). I still smoke cigars from time to time -- living in Miami makes it easy to get very good cigars for not a ton of money -- but I consider my enjoyment of them one- or two-dimensional compared to the deeper aspect available in pipe smoking.
Pipes appeal to me as objects qua objects -- examples of art and craftsmanship that I can enjoy. I like the ritual of smoking a pipe and find it relaxing and pleasurable. I like the wide variety of pipes and tobaccos that provide a fascinating subject to study. My favorite tobaccos taste great without adding any calories.
Nicotine delivery is no part of the equation. I never feel the "need" for a pipe or cigar to get a nicotine delivery. If circumstances preclude smoking for some days in a row, I never experience a craving. Some tobaccos deliver a fair amount if nicotine, and that's alright. But it's nothing I seek and most tobaccos I smoke don't have a noticeable effect.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2010
Following the white rabbit
I see the collecting of pipes, learning about the many different pipes and tobaccos, and even visiting pipe shops and shows as a hobby. I see smoking the pipe as just that, smoking a pipe. I smoke a pipe because I enjoy it, but I don't see smoking as a hobby.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 19, 2012
It is a hobby for me. Smoking of any form is not encouraged at all in this country. We have some of the highest taxes on alcohol and tobacco products in the world ($450 kg for tobacco). There are only around 3 decent old world tobacconists in the country - the rest are little smoke shops catering to cigarette and drug users. There is a small community of pipe smokers however and I enjoy trying different tobaccos and hopefully soon will start a nice pipe collection (currently only have corn cobs). I don't see it as an addictive hobby - I can take it or leave it.

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