Smoking a Pipe First Thing in the Morning

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 2, 2023
Vancouver BC
I love my morning pipe with a coffee first thing in the morning. I smoked a bowl of Carter Hall/5 Bro's mix for a long time as a first bowl but as of late its been Borkum Riff Bourbon.
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Sep 17, 2023
I usually dont smoke before 11 but today It was a little earlier. Im semi retired and work from home in my shop so no set schedule. I dont have a set tobacco for morning either but usually its not a Latakia blend unless I add it to a Vaper. I tend to smoke those later in the day. No real reason. I guess I have more of a sweet tooth in the moning for Vapers or a nice burley. Maybe I will do a change up just to see what I think.


Jun 28, 2022
Lower Alabama
I also start my day with cigarettes, I'll usually chain smoke 4 of them with my coffee. I can't do with a pipe first thing. I get my nic fix from stix, pipe for me is slow-down and relax, which isn't conducive to trying to wake up.

And it's not like I am trying to load up on nicotine necessarily. It's just, that chain smoking 4-5 cigarettes will be in the span of 45 minutes to an hour, about as long as my pipes would last actually, but I am too busy catching up on stuff (checking social media, dumb phone games, news, weather, figuring out my day, doom and dread, panic, scratch my nuts, etc).

If I were to start with a pipe, I'd pick something that I didn't have to think about, but would also be forgiving if pushed a bit (so not a VA, probably some kind of simple burley or English).


Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 2, 2019
As much as I've wanted to be an "Early Morning Pipe" guy, it just never sounds good in reality. I find that my coffee tastes funky if I'm having or recently had a bowl, and then as AroEnglish mentioned, there's the toothbrushing to consider. I hate brushing my teeth after having had a pipe.

So I'm with Sigmund - I usually don't end up smoking until 11 or later, well after breakfast and coffee have been had and digested. My preferred time of day for a bowl is around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, or right when I get off work at 5 on weekdays.
Jun 20, 2023
If I'm working from home or off that day, I'll often have a pipe with coffee early in the morning. If its an office day, I don't have time for a pipe. Either way, I usually start the day with some nasal snuff.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 3, 2022
Ontario, Canada
I usually eat breakfast, then brew a nice strong cup of coffee, accompanied by a nice English blend. Currently my go-to morning blends are Chelsea Morning, HGL, Squadron Leader or Owl's Head from 4Noggins. I usually sit in my recliner by the fireplace and work or just contemplate. Truly a pleasure.