I really enjoy this shape for a pipe. I set out combing the local flea markets and antique stores and luckily found one. It was in rough shape, a lot of cake, tobacco still in the pipe, filter still in place from its last smoke. The stem was highly oxidized and didn't come out easily...I made the seller pull it out so I didn't get accused of breaking the merch
Talked him down to $8 or $10 on it. A few hours of work though, it was back to a fantastic smoking pipe.
This is my 3-dot Brigham bulldog, likely from the mid 70s.
As for your original question, oldmaus...I have found it works great for all tobaccos. The chamber isn't as tall as other pipes, so if you stuff and puff your flakes, it may not be the best option. However, for rubbed out or cube cut flakes, it's perfect.