McCelland -Deep Hallow
Tin Note: Yum when I put my nose in the tin i imagine a plate of ripe fruit with a lightly toasted coffee to wash it down. It smells so real its good. 4 out of 4
Initial Light: 3 false lights to get it going but it was worth it as i was rewarded with a very pleasant, mildly sweet, cool smoke. Easy to take light sips from as it delivers consistent flavor with every puff. The burn was slow enough to enjoy yet not too slow to go out on you. 4 out of 4
Mid-Smoke: There was a little trouble trying to get the tobacco to burn evenly around, but it wasn't much of a problem because the smoke continued to be mildly sweet, cool and dry. So while i was adjusting the burn i was still enjoying this smoke greatly. I have had no confrontation with any nasty bite that Virginia's and aros are known for. As a matter of fact this is a perfect Virginia because its doing what it is suppose to: smoking mildly sweet, Not biting, Not getting hot and is a really really cool smoke. This is amongst the top breed of Va's for sure. 4 out of 4
Bottom of the Bowl:Started to smoke a little and i mean little hot still perfectly manageable though. I noticed the deeper and deeper i got into this bowl the deeper and deeper that flavor became until it coated the inside of my mouth like i just ate a tasty piece of Banana Bread and washed it down with warm milk. 3 out of 4
Room Note: I was with my furry companion Roscoe but he was way too lazy to answer me, probably trying to catch a glimpse at Pixie the neighbors poodle, Ive tried breaking it to him that shes way out of his league but old dog, new tricks, you get it. So i called the wife out and asked her, she was too busy watching one of those college teen shows and yelled out " Vanilla dammit Vanilla!!!" I just realized i need some real pipe smoking friends around more often. 4 out of 4
Dottle: There was a clumpy like ash in the bowl more ash than clump though.
Smoking Duration: 1 Hour.
Overall: This is not a complex smoke it is what it is, a Virgina Aromatic, and it doesn't hide that by trying to be something its not, it does its job really well and smokes just as it should. I this sense i really did enjoy it because i know what to expect from it every time a light it up. I wouldn't smoke it all day but i could easily smoke it once a day though. I found it similar to Sutliff Barbados Plantation. I will be buying a few tins to age in the cellar. 19 out of 20.