I have been smoking pipe for a year already and there were times that I was smoking 3 bowls a day, however I have never had this before. I was just enjoying a bowl of pipe (max 2 bowls) in the evenings and few days ago I realized that there was a small bump between hard and soft palate of mine. I stopped smoking pipes since then and right now I have 3 or 4 small red dots on my palate. They are painless but will hurt if I drink or eat something hot. I think smoking a specific blend in my p-lip Peterson pipe caused it, I cannot remember the blend though, I think it was Va/Bur. In order to speed up the recovery I have to quit smoking cigarettes as well, but I can't :roll: Has anyone ever had it before? It is said that after quitting it takes up to 2 weeks for the palate to heal.