Smokeless in Seattle (Article by Ethan Brandt)

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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Here is what I posted in the comment section for that article.
" I can cross off Seattle as a place that will ever see my tourist dollars. Washington state is a disgrace with their insane taxes on tobacco and their attitude towards smokers. I think all smokers should boycott the state and not spend their tourist dollars there."



Can't Leave
May 16, 2011
Cannot be smoked in public areas

Cannot be smoked within 25 feet of a building window, door, or ventilation system

Cannot be smoked in a car that contains someone under 18 (Proposed)

Cannot be shipped to customers in Washington

Cannot be flavored (Proposed)
What on God's Green Earth... Have they lost their bloody minds?



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
A lot of this is not that new either. People are just not aware of it.
When I was in Seattle in January 2011, I was about to light up in a retail tobacconist until they stopped me because it is against the law.
Here's another article from a couple of years ago.



Nov 12, 2012
Our state government has lost their minds....I am just hoping that those who are taking up the tobacco pipe will stand against these ridiculous people



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2011
United Kingdom
I can see a time when the foke in Seattle are forced to hide their tobacco consumption by mixing in a little cannabis to hide the smell! Sadly, jokes aren't so funny when they come true .....



Nov 24, 2012
Well, I live here which is why I (and others) call it The Peoples Republik of Washington. My guess is that other states will follow suit sooner or later.



Nov 24, 2012
" I can cross off Seattle as a place that will ever see my tourist dollars. Washington state is a disgrace with their insane taxes on tobacco and their attitude towards smokers. I think all smokers should boycott the state and not spend their tourist dollars there."
Seattle is a really wonderful place in so many ways. You wouldn't believe the view I woke up to this AM. But cigmaster is right that this place is a little looney sometimes. We love our rock n roll (Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Candlebox), we love our liberalness and our "tolerance". But what's weird is guess there is a master list of what is considered good tolerance and bad tolerance. There are TONS of hipsters who smoke cigs and dope. Its amazing that we've gone this far off the rails.

- Zo is Sad In Seattle



Nov 24, 2012
So many people laud the value of hoarding tobacco and filling up their cellars, like they are preparing for the post-tobacco apocalypse. Many of these same people, while complaining about the laws and restrictions being placed on pipe tobacco are only vocal on forums and in the safety of their pipe clubs, while remaining conspicuously silent in the public and legal sphere.
I think one of the biggest issues here is how to engage. Oftentimes, we find out about laws and regulations when we read about them in the news paper. I've lived in Seattle for almost 20 years and I dont remember seeing ANY of this legislation being proposed. And I can tell you I am pretty plugged in politically. I wish there was an easy way to A) Find out about laws being proposed in layman's terms B) Have a mechanism to provide input.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
Zo, I've been living in Seattle last year. The "can't be shipped" part was killing me.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 5, 2012
"Cannot be flavored"
What do they consider "flavored"? A lot of popular blends could fall into that category, especially aromatics.



Jul 2, 2010
Yep, Washington is a jihadi tobacco state. That's bad enough.
But, let me tell you, in Tennessee the old tobacco auction barns are a thing of the past as well.
You no longer see the venerable structures with big red letters painted across old, graying wood proclaiming "Tobacco Auction" where tobacco people gathered, farmer and manufaturer, to negotiate yearly prices.
Farmers no longer talk about their "tobacco allotments" which meant money for school clothes and shoes each year for farm families.
You have to look long and hard to find a field of tobacco where once that wonderful Tennessee burley was planted and harvested. You have to look long and hard to find tobacco drying in the old tobacco barns.
We have seen the enemey and he is us.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
If you live in Wisconsin as I do and order from a Wisconsin B&M or e-tailer based in Wisconsin, you get the opportunity to pay a 71% Wisconsin Excise Tax. What a wonderful way to support your State Government!


Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Here is what I posted in the comment section for that article.
" I can cross off Seattle as a place that will ever see my tourist dollars. Washington state is a disgrace with their insane taxes on tobacco and their attitude towards smokers. I think all smokers should boycott the state and not spend their tourist dollars there."
As someone that's been a Washington resident my entire life (30+ years), this state does have some stupid laws, but its also a great place to live and raise a family. With that said Washington is a beautiful state to visit and there are many great tourist activities.
Not every city has the same laws. In my city you can smoke in the parks; however, the neighboring town does not allow it. It varies from city to city within the state. As for police enforcing those laws; you would have to get on an officers bad side on a really really slow day before ever getting a ticket for such a violation. The police have more important things to do than to patrol the parks and enforce the tobacco laws. Even if one did contact you, the chance of getting a ticket for the violation would be so minimal because they don't like to do paper work more than they have to, and especially over something as dumb as a tobacco violation.



Mar 19, 2013
I live in Washington, in fact I was born here. Since I became an adult the state has changed drastically, probably because everyone that voted for higher, and higher taxes in California decided to move here because they ruined their state. They are now doing a fine job of ruining this one. We have "sin" taxes on tobacco and alcohol but maryjane is legal (we've already had our first driving under the influence death). It's all about the money. Our gas taxes are horrible too.
Sadly to say when I retire (4 more years) I, my wife, dog and pipes are leaving this beautiful state.

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