When I was young there was some get together I was at where I encountered a pipe smoker. I asked him if he could blow smoke rings. He said he had never tried. I asked him to try, and it wasn’t much. So he took a few more puffs and worked up the ember a bit and got a couple rings out for me. I asked him to do more but he said it made his pipe taste bad and he didn’t want to do anymore. I’m pretty sure I got him to do another one or two anyway.
Now that I am a pipe smoker, I think I understand. I rarely take enough of a puff to get a good smoke ring, and if I did I would be smoking the bowl a little faster than I like. I prefer the flavor when I just sip.
I’m not trying to talk you out of it learning, of course it is sort of fun to able to do it, but I think you pay a little price with the flavor of the pipe.
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Debbie Downer