Smoke rings.

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Can anyone teach me how to blow smoke rings? I can make a ring of mini rings by "whistling" and tapping my cheek. I can make a bowl ring by puffing out sharply on the pipe. I can't make a true smoke ring, a real floater. Help me out, please.


Simple. Make a O shape. As you blow out make your tongue in a tube shape and gently move it to the center of the mouth as you exhale slowly.

It's kinda like whistling. And it's just as hard to describe and teach. Keep trying it will work for you eventually!
This seems to be working! Although the rings are small and do not travel very far. Practice makes perfect - I will keep trying!


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2021
Noblesville Indiana USA
When I was young there was some get together I was at where I encountered a pipe smoker. I asked him if he could blow smoke rings. He said he had never tried. I asked him to try, and it wasn’t much. So he took a few more puffs and worked up the ember a bit and got a couple rings out for me. I asked him to do more but he said it made his pipe taste bad and he didn’t want to do anymore. I’m pretty sure I got him to do another one or two anyway.

Now that I am a pipe smoker, I think I understand. I rarely take enough of a puff to get a good smoke ring, and if I did I would be smoking the bowl a little faster than I like. I prefer the flavor when I just sip.

I’m not trying to talk you out of it learning, of course it is sort of fun to able to do it, but I think you pay a little price with the flavor of the pipe.

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Debbie Downer


I'm finding the pipe does get too hot when I want to generate the smoke to make bigger, denser rings. That being said, I do like the progress I'm making. It would be a cool trick to be able to light and launch a solid ring, though.
Maybe good enough to snuff my match... :col:


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 30, 2021
The City Different
The crazy thing is I learned smoke rings from cannabis. Thicker, denser smoke not inhaled is really the only way to get real big clouds. Remember, the bigger the O you make with your mouth (pause) and the amount of velocity of the "air tunnel from tongue to O will be the deciding factor in your ability to blow Gandalf size Os lol.
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Dec 11, 2021
Fort Collins, CO
I learned to do smoke rings with cigarettes back in college. Haven’t smoked a cig in 20 years. I only do it now when my daughter asks. But yeah, not sure I can explain without showing.


Nov 26, 2018
First, don't exhale the pipe smoke for awhile. That will give you enough smoke for two or three rings. Don't have to puff. Second, yeah make O with mouth. Third, have you seen those Airzooka things? It's just like that. You have to push the smoke in your mouth out with fast tongue movement. Flat and some what vertical tongue pushing the smoke against the O shape of the mouth. Usually this will generate good size, stable ring that will hang in the air. You need a place with no air current to practice.
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Jun 28, 2022
Lower Alabama
I never used my tongue to make smoke rings. I just popped air through the center as I was gently breathing out. Do you know what a glottal stop is? Basically kind of like that, but small amount of air forced out at high velocity from the throat. It's like a quiet, quick "pop" but again, from your throat, not tongue or mouth. I don't know how to explain it.

That's how I always did it. I dunno what all this tongue pushing or darting mess is.