All who love are blind.
When your heart's on fire you must realize
Smoke gets in your eyes.
These are some of the lyrics of an old Platters song.Of course they're not refering to real smoke.I know for a fact though that real smoke does get in your eyes.It happened to me today.I was sitting on my porch and fired up my pipe not realizing that the wind was blowing in my face.It stung for a litle while.I recovered though and carried on smoking.It seems that there's always something new to learn about this pipe smoking endavor.
When your heart's on fire you must realize
Smoke gets in your eyes.
These are some of the lyrics of an old Platters song.Of course they're not refering to real smoke.I know for a fact though that real smoke does get in your eyes.It happened to me today.I was sitting on my porch and fired up my pipe not realizing that the wind was blowing in my face.It stung for a litle while.I recovered though and carried on smoking.It seems that there's always something new to learn about this pipe smoking endavor.