CH (solo) was just fine for me, until I recently got a tub of the stuff. Now, I'm back to a home blend that is about 50% Russ' Old Glory, less than 10% CH from the tub, with the remainder divided more-or-less evenly between BCA, Sutliff Choc Mousse, and Russ' Spring Training. I keep this mixture on hand all the time, when I want something that is still just slightly sweet, but with some honest to God tobacco taste, and full flavor. The CH from the tub offers enough of that burley taste bleeding through, to satisfy very nicely with 3-4 cups of coffee. This blend came from a week or so of playing with various ratios, and just dumping the "mistakes" into a common container. Later, I decided that it was really a nice combo for early morning, sitting on the porch, waiting for the sun to awaken the forest creatures. In keeping with the Lane nomenclature, I call it HHM-57..."Hillbilly Heaven Mistakes", and since it's sort of a Heinz-57 of flavors, that really seems to work for me.
I just better not ever misplace this recipe, tho! :mrgreen: