I might be wrong but it seems this pipe has recently celebrated its century. The specific construction of the button says that the pipe is really old, the beginning of the XX century or at least - pre WWII. It has no COM what as far I learned was possible in the period of 1910-1915 when Peterson patent has already expired but they didn't stamp "Made in Ireland" yet. The stinger is made of plastic (caoutchouc, rubber?), I've never seen such before but the material looks very similar to vintage electrical wiring isolation. Any comments, ideas, suggestions are sincerely welcome!
I might be wrong but it seems this pipe has recently celebrated its century. The specific construction of the button says that the pipe is really old, the beginning of the XX century or at least - pre WWII. It has no COM what as far I learned was possible in the period of 1910-1915 when Peterson patent has already expired but they didn't stamp "Made in Ireland" yet. The stinger is made of plastic (caoutchouc, rubber?), I've never seen such before but the material looks very similar to vintage electrical wiring isolation. Any comments, ideas, suggestions are sincerely welcome!