Anyone a fan of smaller pipes? You know, around a Dunhill size three or so.
I have about a half dozen fitting that size. When I first stated smoking a pipe I preferred the larger sizes like maybe a size 6 ( I am using Dunhill for a refrence ) or even larger.
They were certainly hand filling, and part of my reasoning was that I thought that large pieces of perfect briar must have been hard to come by, so must make the pipe more valuable.
That may be true, but as time went on I started prefering size 5's, and within the last couple years, size 4.
Don't know why, but it just happened. I have picked up these size 3 pipes over the last two years and am really enjoying them. They are light and handle beautifully. They will also give you about a 30 min. smoke if you sip instead of puff. This is also a good idea because they will quickly overheat if you puff frequently.
I have noticed that a lot of the older pipes I see in antique shops and flea markets were of the smaller variety. Maybe they were more concerned with the price and amount of tobacco they had available, or it could be that they knew something a lot of people seem have to have forgotten. That small doesn't necessarily mean inferior and in fact could mean quite the opposite.
Here are two photos of my small pipes.
GBD Pedigree Sasieni Fantail
Comoy Selected Straight Grain Henry Straus
Edwards Virgin Sasieni 4 Dot
Charatan Selected Free Hand approx. size 5 for comparison against the GDB Pedigree
What size do you prefer most often?
I have about a half dozen fitting that size. When I first stated smoking a pipe I preferred the larger sizes like maybe a size 6 ( I am using Dunhill for a refrence ) or even larger.
They were certainly hand filling, and part of my reasoning was that I thought that large pieces of perfect briar must have been hard to come by, so must make the pipe more valuable.
That may be true, but as time went on I started prefering size 5's, and within the last couple years, size 4.
Don't know why, but it just happened. I have picked up these size 3 pipes over the last two years and am really enjoying them. They are light and handle beautifully. They will also give you about a 30 min. smoke if you sip instead of puff. This is also a good idea because they will quickly overheat if you puff frequently.
I have noticed that a lot of the older pipes I see in antique shops and flea markets were of the smaller variety. Maybe they were more concerned with the price and amount of tobacco they had available, or it could be that they knew something a lot of people seem have to have forgotten. That small doesn't necessarily mean inferior and in fact could mean quite the opposite.
Here are two photos of my small pipes.
GBD Pedigree Sasieni Fantail
Comoy Selected Straight Grain Henry Straus
Edwards Virgin Sasieni 4 Dot
Charatan Selected Free Hand approx. size 5 for comparison against the GDB Pedigree
What size do you prefer most often?