Well, I gave it a shot today. As chance would have it my car gave me troubles this morning and I had to change plans. So, being working from home gave me time to work the oven - I had a jar of PS Luxury Navy Flake that received the Hansel and Grettal treatment in the oven. Everything appears to have happened like the photo demonstration and the condensation in the jar. So, it’s lined up and while cooling I heard the top suck down on the jar for the seal. So, now I wait two weeks. I didn’t much care for those flakes - maybe this will change that? Who knows.I think it’s definitely worth a shot at least once. You’ll change the flavor profile, more than likely. However, if it benefits the blend is for you, alone, to decide.
And, for what it’s worth (likely nothing), I typically dump the contents of the tin into a jar and cover with aluminum foil, applying light pressure to the ring of the jar to seal it. Not that using a tin is bad, and I don’t have any comparative analysis to know that one method is better than the other, but I just like the idea of it being in a jar and done when I finish. Plus, I think it removes the potential for any grenades. I have a gas oven and typically don’t monitor the process very closely, so the idea of a tobacco grenade in there is a bit scary for me. No sense in inviting @ashdigger over for his professional abilities. I’d like to think our initial meeting would be more along the lines of a bowl, some bourbon, and a hockey game, so no unnecessary risks are taken on my part.
The only problem is, I started thinking about what other tobaccos I could stove and see how it works. Does it work on all blends?