Slightly Creepy, Disturbing...and Just Plain Confusing

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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 2, 2013
The one in the middle used to teach 5th grade at St. Monica I swear. I still have ruler indents on the back of my head from her. I think that photo might be fake...those nuns appear to be smiling. The nuns I knew never would think of smiling.


Jan 8, 2013
Thats a link to the ad, just the image itself. The first one is praying for an answer to her problem, the second one has figured it out, and the.last one wants you to solve it for her.
Even nuns get backed up. Its not creepy at all. Or, maybe I am too. Whatever. Lol.



Feb 9, 2014
Holy Smokes!
That tobacco nun is SMOKIN
(Look. If the jokes were good here, you'd be paying a subscription to see them. Do you really want to pay a subscription? Then laugh, demmit, laugh at my bad jokes and keep this site free)



Dec 14, 2013
lucky695 wrote:

The one in the middle used to teach 5th grade at St. Monica I swear. I still have ruler indents on the back of my head from her. I think that photo might be fake...those nuns appear to be smiling. The nuns I knew never would think of smiling.
Yikes... it’s so odd you said that! I also went to a parochial grade school called St. Monica in the 50’s! The only memories I have of nuns is how they went out of their way to antagonize and frighten the hell out of us with the occasional, but always inevitable smack in the head. This is how I more or less still see them as I walked into school each morning (minus the smiles on their faces). ;)



Aug 14, 2011
My word, we're turning into a bunch of little girls aren't we?
Having your SO(significant other) dress up in a slutty nun, maid, nurse outfit etc. is pretty damn common and really fun...*ahem* I've heard.
Not to say that's what the ad comes across as, but wow she is pretty.
You got a problem with Victoria's Secret models putting on wings and making angels sexy too?



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 22, 2013
Personally, I like "Make My Day flake" blended by the Little Sister of The Laguna Hills.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 26, 2013
Great Falls, VA
I would like to make an analysis of the 3 Nuns advertisement suggesting that there are three separate models and not just one (albeit similar). The one on the left, we can refer to as "contemplative" appears to be putting some thought into an important issue of a Biblical nature. Note the nearly zen-like quiet of her countenance. She has very little makeup a longer chin and slight dimpling of the nose. The nun in the middle, we shall call "Searching" is beseeching the Heavens for the inspiration from on High. She has a widow's peak the same longer chin and what appears to be more widely spaced eyes. The nun on the right, we shall call "Come hither" has substantially more makeup (eye shadow specifically) and shorter chin and slightly fuller cheeks. Ergo, 3 separate models.
Then again, I could be completely off the mark and just fantasizing about a 3 on 1 with nuns but it is always fun to speculate. And their countenance could in fact "sleepy", "dumb" and "slut"; I can say that because they are just models after all and not real nuns (Heaven forbid I would ever slander real nuns!). And, really, who knows what the intent of the design guy who put this montage together? And, yes, it was OBVIOUSLY a guy...



Can't Leave
Jan 29, 2014
Slidell, Louisiana
I have been thinking the same thing since I first saw the ad. In fact, I think its why I haven't ordered any yet. I have enough things already to go to confession about!



Dec 14, 2013
I’m in no way shape or form trying to poke any fun at nuns. Hey... at 67 and being a Catholic I believe that my ingrained guilt is now part of my DNA. However, and I can’t resist, I believe that the wrong picture was used. They could have saved some money by using only one model, but then again they possibly would have to change the name from ‘Three Nuns’ to ‘One Nun And A Pair’. ;)

Aug 14, 2012
No offense meant to Catholics, but some of the nuns in my old neighborhood (there were two convents ) were pretty sexy. I used to run six miles in the street every morning, and some of them gave me the eye. One crossed herself whenever she saw me. Moreover, though I really am not one of them, I know that some guys do have nun fantasies. It seems that the tobacco label is trying to use those fantasies.



Jan 31, 2011
What’s really creepy are the flying ones.

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