Sipping Versus Puffing

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Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 20, 2014
I smoke too hot, too often. Now that the weather is colder I find myself doing it more while getting a quick smoke outside. What works best for me when the weather is warmer and I'm relaxing with my pipe more is kind of a fast sipping. I'm taking little sips, but I'm not taking very long between them. Just keeping my mouth full of smoke for a while.



Feb 21, 2013
In praise of sipping, I do throughly enjoy it when the ember is good and steady and I can take my time and go in sips from time to time, and at a meditative pace. Ah.



Dec 6, 2018
Honestly it wasn't until I found this website that I really decided it was time to start developing techniques like puffing vs sipping. I'm eager to try out the breath method that I've found on here. I am also wondering if the sipping will lead to more flavor for my smokes or not.
like many of the others have said, half (if not more) of the fun comes from experimenting and to be honest, it is what has drawn me to pipes and away from cigars now as the general pace of it lends more to the contemplative side. Still fighting the urge to get overexcited and hoard a ton of tobacco types and blow the whole budget on new pipes to try different things with.
Goal for the moment is developing a cadence, sip or puff, that I can start from to prevent bite and burn until I learn the quirks of each new blend I can get my grubby mitts on.
I'll always puff, just because its fun to blow smoke rings, but flavor is the goal in the end.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 17, 2017
I came to the pipe as a long time cigar smoker. That first week with a pipe I tried to produce the same clouds of smoke that I associated with cigars. I puffed like a freight train.

At the end of the week my opinion was that pipes produced a paltry amount of smoke. The smoke had next to zero flavor. And, it just didn’t seem to agree with me because I got a bad case of tongue bite.
Of course, all of the above was caused by my very poor technique. I stuck with it. In time, I learned to slow down my pace & that completely changed my pipesmoking experience for the better.
As for ‘puffing’ versus ‘sipping’ ? Those terms are not precisely defined. It’s likely that everyone smokes his pipe slightly differently. Your ‘puff’ and my ‘sip’ might even be very similar. Whatever works for you is great.

Jul 28, 2016
Oh Yes,I must confess I have a bit bad habit to puff more rigorously than I ought to, nonetheless I only do this with Burley forward blends(which often may lead to somewhat harsh smoking experience,but no bite,whereas in this regards I find Burleys being more forgiving,but as to any Virginia forward blends,I must be way more careful and avoid puffing and concentrate on my smoking and cadence in so to not have a bad case of tongue bite.



Nov 26, 2018
i do this in 3/4 tempo. sip, puff, puff. actually been trying different things. mostly sipping since reading so much about not damaging the pipe. but today was puffing a little after reading this post. after the second light and after tamping. even emptied the ash today.

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