Got some silly questions, maybe. I've been smoking a pipe for a whopping 3 weeks. I started with a no name blend. I changed to S.W.Raleigh and Carter Hall. My wife decided if I was going to smoke a pipe I should smoke good tobacco. I've got a good wife. The flake she picked out came in today. She got several different ones for me to try. Did I mention I've got a good wife? All that to get to this, what lighter should I be using? What are the flavor differences between the varieties? I thought there were really only two types of "baccy", Virginia and Burley? Sorry for the ignorance. It, unlike stupidity can be cured with patient teachers and a willing pupil. Oh yeah, I, accidentally it seems, picked a type of pipe that does well for me. With today's shipment, she also got 3 more Missouri Mearschaums to go with the one I bought. At least I don't need to change that. That and the videos on loading flake were/are great. The Cube Method works well. Thanks in advance.