Sillem's Black Tobacco Review

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 28, 2010
Well well well guys - let me tell you, I am so surprised by this tobacco. First off, let me say: the 100 gram / 3.5 oz tin is about $20. However, this may seem expensive, it is well worth the money. I'm not sure what type of tobacco this qualifies as, but my guess is an aromatic.
While the tin isn't air tight, the tobacco inside the somewhat sealed pouch is still moist enough to produce moisture in my pipe while smoking it. This tobacco tastes like nothing I've ever had before, if anything, the closest tobacco to it would probably be, in my opinion, W.O. Larsen 2010. It has some latakia and something floral in it, that's about the best I can describe the smell as being, is floral. While I did go through a few relights (I don't judge tobaccos on relights), it smoked the same through and through. I was amazed, usually tobacco gets too harsh for me to smoke by the time I get towards the bottom, this one just got slightly stronger but it didn't smoke harsh. In fact, it has a very mild tobacco after taste and it leaves a sweet floral note on the tongue and in the room.
I highly recommend buying a tin of this, in fact, on my next purchase I'll probably pick up 3 or more tins of it as it has become my number 1 tobacco! Oh, and I did put the rest into a mason jar just for good measure.



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
Yes that is some good stuff a English ARO of the first quality . I could swear that I taste cranberrys but it could just be me . You also have to like the tin jet black with a blue stone .



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 28, 2010
When I look at the tin, I feel like I'm smoking some prestigious military tobacco. LOL. It's an awesome looking tin, I just wish mine didn't have dents.



Dec 8, 2010
Man I haven't seen Sillem's Black in stock since I started browsing 4noggins or smokingpipes a few months ago. Still, I don't hear much demand for it - even though there is no dearth of praise or positive reviews. I guess people must have moved on; either that or they built up a personal reserve before the supply petered out. Must be secretly blended by Samuel Gawith!



Oct 2, 2010
While I hardly ever hear of this tobacco....I only hear praise and raves....guess I'll have to start searching.... :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 28, 2010
@kevin: Done! :)
I did not know that people had been searching for it since it went into low supply. I'll definitely be ordering many tins to stock then!



Dec 8, 2010
What etailer have you been using, if you don't mind my asking?

(I only use 4noggins, though I'm always considering SmokingPipes)
I haven't been searching for it lately, per se; I just saw it's great standing on and it was mentioned as a quality aromatic in many forum posts I read over time. I'm not currently interested in purchasing it, more curious than anything.
I'm much more into VaPers and light to medium English territory at the moment, though a crossover like Sillems Black could be interesting and worthwhile.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 28, 2010
@Kevin: awesome, I'm glad my review got linked! :)
@sparroa: I've been using pipesandcigars, mainly because they have a huge selection though prices might be slightly higher.

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