fnord --
The sort of thing you describe is why I repair pipes. They are sometimes so much more than most people think, or can even imagine.
Please allow me to be part of its story, and your story.
I'd love to set it as completely right in every way that I can at no cost to you, and return it on my dime as well. Just put it in a box, drop it in the mail, and it will jump to the front of the line the minute it arrives.
The sort of thing you describe is why I repair pipes. They are sometimes so much more than most people think, or can even imagine.
Please allow me to be part of its story, and your story.
I'd love to set it as completely right in every way that I can at no cost to you, and return it on my dime as well. Just put it in a box, drop it in the mail, and it will jump to the front of the line the minute it arrives.