Hi guys. English newbie here, well 'fairly' newbie. Been back seriously into pipe smoking about six months. My question is this: as an avid reader of reviews, I hear that Sobranie Balkan Blend was once considered by many to be the holy grail of tobaccos. It was discontinued, if the web is to be believed, about ten years ago. Now, there are some 50g tins available on eBay. Unopened. They all seem to reside in the collections of American collectors. Every advert on eBay clearly states that the value in the item is 'ONLY' in the packaging, i.e. The tin, and that the contents are not for human consumption. With shipping, I'd be expected to pay out around £50 sterling for a tin. In the opinion of my esteemed colleagues here, with your combined years of experience, how likely is it that the tobacco contained in these tins is still smokeable??? Yes, I know it's a bit of a 'how long is a piece of string?' Question, and that there are variables such as (1) is the tin still sealed? (2) is the seller trustworthy? (3) will it make it through customs? (4) am I insane for paying so much when there are other, newer tobaccos out there? At this point, gentlemen, I'm just interested to know if there's any point at all in even considering buying and smoking this stuff? Anyone with a considered view, or who has actually bought and smoked such a rarity is welcome to chip in with their views. Thanks. Joel.