Should I get pipe tobacco?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 12, 2016
Thanks a lot everyone!
I don't worry much, I already reduced my smoking to its half. Soon I'll be okay. I might even begin ordering online.

May 4, 2015
I don't have any problem sending things out your way, if we could work it out.
I have never shipped internationally, so I'm worried about customs and things like that. Any idea how strict your country is letting packages in like this?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 12, 2016
@pipesmokingtom: Thank you very much for the generous offer Tom.
I don't want to sound like I CAN'T buy them, actually I can. I only want to keep the costs to a minimum, because I used to smoke cigarettes for very small amounts. Quitting them shouldn't be much more expensive, right?

May 4, 2015
Depends entirely on how much you smoke and what!
Personally, if I ONLY smoked pipes, even constantly, my tobacco cost would be cut in half (not counting what I am hoarding).



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 13, 2016
I got away from pipe smoking for several years after I moved to Panama, because pipe tobacco is basically unavailable here. I was gifted several one pound bags of tobacco labeled "Pipe Tobacco" but it was really intended for RYO cigarettes. I started smoking it, and actually got through about a pound, as I was glad to get back to my pipes. Then I got several types of real pipe tobacco, and I want to throw the other away! There is a tremendous difference! Even though I have to pay international shipping, it is still a fantastic bargain for the pleasure I get.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 12, 2016
I've found that ordering tobacco online is illegal in Turkey, so I settled with what I could find which is the official Turkish pipe tobacco brand. And I actually quite like them. Much better than my cigarette tobacco of course.
Edit: The brand is Tabac Turc, if anyone is interested.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 12, 2016
I find that a mix of a little moistened RYO cigarette tobacco and Tabac Turc 50/50 to be a nice smoke.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2015
You should check out sites such as and Hearth and Home and Cornell & Diehl make some pretty affordable and mostly very good blends, which are usually available in bulk.
I would avoid the 5-pound bags of so-called "pipe tobacco" sold in "tobacco outlets", where cigarette smokers go to buy cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco - it isn't really pipe tobacco. These mammoth sacks are cheap, but they contain more stems than quality tobacco. I think it's basically crap from the tobacco plants which produce mostly for cigarette companies, swept off their floors, and not good enough enough to make cigarettes with. Stems are mostly water, and they release it all into your bowl for a soggy, nasty smoke when they burn.
Really cheap cigarette-shop "pipe tobacco" also stinks like a wet fart. I spent a few evenings with a friend who rolled her cigarettes with that garbage, and the stench was overwhelming.
You may find that even decent tobacco blenders don't perfectly sort out their stems when producing ribbon-cut blends, but they do it a lot better than those who sell it by the 5-pound bag in cigarette shops. It may behoove you to remove any stem material which you may find while packing your bowl.



Mar 25, 2014
I've found that ordering tobacco online is illegal in Turkey

I have the same problem where I live, so every time I hear somebody is traveling to the States I get them to bring me back a few tins. This way I've managed to stockpile enough to keep me going for years, even if my supply suddenly got cut off.
Wlth so many Turks traveling to Germany you could get a nice supply in no time.
For now, I can't rest my pipe after use, because I only have one pipe, but I haven't experienced a sour taste either.
You live in Turkey and you don't have a Meer? You should be shipping them to us by the dozen!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 9, 2015
Gordebak, I'm quite surprised that pipe tobacco is limited in Turkey. With so many of the "Balkan" tobaccos actually grown in or close to Turkey and being the world's premier source of meerschaum, I just assumed Turkey to be awash in GREAT blends with each little town having its own 300 year old "local" blend - kind of like wine in France.



Aug 24, 2016
I highly recommend Amphora Red Full Aroma. It tastes great, has enough nicotine, is a 'dry' aromatic, and is available worldwide. I also recommend Peterson's Old Dublin, Dunhill My Mixture 965, and Dunhill London Mixture. They're a really good English blends.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
If ordering tobacco online is illegal, then order from 4Noggins over the phone instead.
Importing tobacco is prohibited in Turkey. You may bring some with you to the country.
Gordebak, I'm quite surprised that pipe tobacco is limited in Turkey. With so many of the "Balkan" tobaccos actually grown in or close to Turkey and being the world's premier source of meerschaum
They have few pipe tobacco blends available and all are manufactured in Turkey. It is prohibited to import tobacco for any reason. On the other hand they export the grown tobacco. Exporting meerschaum blocks is also prohibited, you may only export it once it is carved as a pipe or any other thing.
I just assumed Turkey to be awash in GREAT blends with each little town having its own 300 year old "local" blend - kind of like wine in France.
Unfortunately, not. You may find lots of carvers in Eskishehir (home of meerschaum) though.

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