Great to hear that newbroom! Good riddance!
I usually smoke tobaccos with tea or coffee already, and I love it. I don't drink alcohol much, only occasionally. And I feel like I got rid of cigarettes already, because a few days had passed and I haven't smoked a single cigarette. I used to smoke two packs a day, so it is just unbelievable for me. I couldn't spend an hour without a cigarette, and now, none!
For now, I smoke my pipe more than most people around here. About 12 bowls a day, but in a small sized pipe. But this is still an unbelievable achievement for me. In time, I'd like to reduce my pipe smoking too. Maybe to 4-5 bowls a day would be fine for me. For now, I can't rest my pipe after use, because I only have one pipe, but I haven't experienced a sour taste either. That maybe because after every bowl I clean the pipe. A corncob by MM is on its way to me, so I will be able to rest my pipe every other day. If I like the cob, -I think I will- I might buy some more cobs.
I put my eye on some Turkish pipe tobacco right now. Most of the American or European tobaccos are too expensive here, because of the importing expenses and taxes. I can order online, but that doesn't make much difference. I know, buying pipe tobaccos is much cheaper than cigarettes, but I used to roll my own cigarettes, and I used to buy an inexpensive but very good local tobacco. So cigarette was super cheap for me. Now with pipe smoking, I want to keep my expenses low.