That''s me in a nutshell. But, you're asking people for subjective responses with absolutely no knowledge of you or your dislikes/likes or your tastes. If I can't look at a pipe and decide I want it or not I certainly wouldn't ask the opinion of people I've never met as to what I should do with my hard earned moneys. That's all I'm saying. All you are going to get are personal opinions. I simply think you should look at a pipe, fondle it when it arrives if you aren't at a dealer and make your own decision.I've noticed from some of your other posts that you have very little positive to offer and mostly just post grumpy judgmental crap
You'll do as you wish. No one here knows, intimately, the pipe you are asking about. All they can tell you is from their experience. Buying a pipe, for the most part, either in-person or mail order, is a crap shoot.
No disrespect was meant. You asked "What do you guys think?" I answered. Next time ask "What do you guys, excepting Warren, think?" I'll happily refrain from answering. Or, I believe you can elect to ignore my posts if they upset you.What is the goal?
Also, face to face I'm the same person as you find me on this site. I'm not particularly polite or concerned with the feelings of others. If I'm asked a question I don't sugar coat my response. For God's sake, do not ask me a question if you don't want clear, honest answer.