Ultimately, I would not buy from Meerschaumstore.com again. Their website suggests that tracking info is available, as did the vendor when we talked on private message. However, this was not the truth. The product I bought came with a crappy box that doesn't close, but it was advertised as coming with a fitted leather case. Also, the pipe is depicted as having a 9mm adapter for filterless smokes, but this was not included. I love my pipe, but if a sale is a contract, they didn't really hold up their end of the bargain. I'm sure others have had better experiences. I know guys complain all the time about P&C but I pretty much get my tobacco from them exclusively based on my positive customer service experiences with them. As a small business owner, I try to retain clientele through positive experience. They didn't "go an extra mile," nor meet reasonable expectations. I have enough pipes and I won't be in the market again unless one of them fails so this point is moot. I would have preferred to spend more money for a better experience. But, as the old saying goes...
EDIT: pipe was not depicted with 9mm adapter, my vision failed me. The box is not "crappy," just inconsistent with the level of craftsmanship of the pipe, and definitely not leather nor fitted.