Still a small amount of the population, and yet they still won't be content until they've legislated against it. I suppose we all knew it wouldn't be long before countries tried to ban tobacco completely. What surprises me is that it's happened in the UK first!
Only in California. Everything is known to cause cancer in California. Even the drugs doctors use to cure cancer have that warning on them. Just that one state though. You're safe everywhere else. But the FDA hasn't evaluated any of those statements so it's meaningless.
The leading cause of death is birth.
Some folks love a good cause to get behind. I wish they'd put such efforts towards the Fentanyl problem instead.
Tobacco might kill you some day. Fentanyl will get it done posthaste. But let's worry about tobacco, shall we?
Y’all acting like tobacco doesn’t kill hundreds of thousands of people every single year in The United States alone.There are finite financial resources, material resources, and Human Resources to address issues in society. Additionally, there is only so much mental capacity people can take to focus on topics to address both on the administrative side and the public side. The more you widen your focus in a given genre (this case an umbrella of drugs), the less actual good you'll be able to do.
Also, depending on your state, they aren't really "on" the issue. In my state for example, it is illegal to prosecute drug use if the police are there for a medical call. You can literally be surrounded by drugs and paraphernalia and police can't do anything beyond handing a flyer to get help. They don't even take the drugs!
You can OD on fentanyl, get your nasal spray to get you out of it, decline transport to the hospital after your onsite medical examination and everyone just goes home. You can then do it all over again as soon as you want. To me, it seems to make more sense to allocate more of your finite resources to a more urgent issue than tobacco in the larger scheme of drug control.
Cmon now.

Tobacco Facts | State of Tobacco Control
Get quick stats and key facts about tobacco control.

Tobacco fact sheet from WHO providing key facts and information on surveillance, second-hand smoke, quitting, picture warnings, ad bans, taxes, WHO response.

Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in the United States
See data and statistical information for adult cigarette smoking in the United States.