I think it was either Passion for Pipes or GLP that wrote about the 1x1 ratio, same height to width ratio for smoking latakia blends.
And, I read that clay pipes all had fairly small bowls. It must have been briar that made larger width bowls a "thing."
Really though, as far as flavor, wider pipes for my stronger burlier blends, like Burley Flake #1, really give the flavor some smoothness. I find that the more narrow the bowl (no matter what the depth) makes a blend more harsh and intense. This is also why I prefer narrow bowls for the Virginias. It really makes the flavors of such a subtle tobacco come alive.
Think ring gauge for cigars. Wide cigars are smoother, richer, easier to smoke. Narrow cigarillos become pungent, intense, focused.
But, like we've said, some people seem to not taste a difference, so YMMV.
And, I read that clay pipes all had fairly small bowls. It must have been briar that made larger width bowls a "thing."
Really though, as far as flavor, wider pipes for my stronger burlier blends, like Burley Flake #1, really give the flavor some smoothness. I find that the more narrow the bowl (no matter what the depth) makes a blend more harsh and intense. This is also why I prefer narrow bowls for the Virginias. It really makes the flavors of such a subtle tobacco come alive.
Think ring gauge for cigars. Wide cigars are smoother, richer, easier to smoke. Narrow cigarillos become pungent, intense, focused.
But, like we've said, some people seem to not taste a difference, so YMMV.