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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 1, 2015
Hi all!

Thank you so much for your kind words and your honest intention while you trying to help me out with pipes!

My daughter (Mirjam) is just 10 minutes old on the picture, and yes she help me forgot my pipes (I have a lot things to do with two little children almost no time to think for smoking :) )

@mso489 I think so, the jewellery box was a very bad idea. There was only one silver sterling Vauen in the box, so I think they just throw out the pipes....

@brass MM cobs might be great but I cannot buy original MM in my country just some kind of chinese cobs (if you know what I mean ..)

@iamn8 totally agree!

@jkrug that is true!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2015
Oh, SHIT!!! I'm so sorry, and I'm really angry for you. It just makes me sick to my guts that no government anywhere is doing anything to require paid, professional movers to screen effectively the help they hire to prevent thieves from handling what those who pay them have worked so hard all their lives to aquire, and their items of sentiment which are beyond priceless! Here in the US, the only rule is that they are all thieves, nobody checks their records, and the primary interest of law enforcement officials is the fleecing of the citizenry in any way,and every way possible! They won't help you recover what is irreplaceable, they don't care who's been assaulted if the victim isn't politically connected, but they sure are damned good at taking your money based on half-cooked allegations such as "insufficient turn signal"! They militarize with weapons and technology which drains budgets for education at every level dry, and they use it for little better purpose than this, while menacing all ethnic groups which offend their bigoted minds.



Feb 1, 2014
Augusta, Ga
So sorry about the pipes janosh. There really isn't any way to replace them and their memories. You will have to try and enjoy the process of getting more. Try to make them positive memories so you can enjoy the hobby the way its intended.



Aug 3, 2010
janosh...So sorry to hear about your loss. Check you PM's... Congrates on the daughter, I always loved when they were brand new!
Puffndave- BAD FORM!!!!!!!! Many of the people here on these forms have something to do with law enforcement or have families that do...



Apr 24, 2015
Puffndave- BAD FORM!!!!!!!!
Pretty much sums up his attitude since day one on the forum. I'm genuinely surprised the mods allow his insulting behavior and antisocial attitude to continue.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Puffndave is pretty much just puffndave. While fun to analyze he really doesn't have much to add when he writes. Having spent most of my adult life as a copper I know to simply consider the source. I can't speak with total certainty here but, puffndave maybe one of those people that we referred to as "job security."
janosh suffered a material loss and then gained an angel. He has my sympathy for the loss of his pipes. More importantly he has my great, good wishes for him and his growing family.



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
Congratulations on the newest member of your family! That little doll already has you tied around her pinkie finger. So, enjoy the parental ride, pal.
My sons are now 22 and it seems like it was only yesterday when they were tooling around on the drive way on their Big Wheels. Enjoy the ride.



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
I'm truly sorry for hijacking this thread but I just sent the following message to PuffnDave:
"Bad form, mate. This forum is populated by LEOs, ex-LEOs, military service members, military service parents, plus veterans and you just stomped on your dick. (No, rather, you did a fandango on your Johnson.) You can either do a full "Mea Culpa" and blame your comments on helicoptering, every kid's a winner, left wing, liberal parents, and continue this assault and be branded a jack off to most of the posters. Or, you can bail out now, re-brand yourself as a noob desiring tobacco enriching experiences and call it good. Call the ball, dude. Fnord"
Again, my apologies, Janosh. This a day to be celebrated, my friend.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 1, 2015
@hawke @drwatson @warren @peres03 @fnord

Thank you guys for your kind words! I’m always amazed about this forum and community! Since I found the page (~30 days ago) I spent here 22 ours mostly because of your posts and comments!

Because of the new arrival (who made us very happy and the same time very tired) and because my two year old little buddy I have very little time for just thinking about to smoke a pipe – which is not bad especially when you have no suitable pipe for smoke it. Maybe I needed this „accident”? :D


Thanks for your comment but I don’t want to f@ck the police (it's very reasonable if you have a beautiful wife and two amazing children), rather they have my full reverence because of their hard work (maybe not in my special case but I do believe that we have much more serious problems I my country than my stolen pipes. )



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2015
I know my comment was provocative, and I guessed that it would ruffle a few feathers here. I have also noted that there are numerous veteran members here whose posts, photos and comments suggest more independently-minded cultural influence. I don't want to get into politics here, and I won't, I'm just angry as hell that "law enforcement" officials rarely spend most of their time enforcing laws of no social merit, have been serving nobody but themselves, and then I'm supposed to kiss their ass for the "risk" they take from behind riot gear, tasers, nightsticks, machine guns, and military-grade armored trucks.
Typically I try to avoid "stomping on" anybody's "dick" as Warren said (hello, Warren), but I've seen too much of the reverse going on against innocent civilians. Therefore, if you don't want your dick stomped on, then you need to keep it in your pants. Janosh's story of police indifference to what happened to him triggered the memory of how police treated my mother when her home was invaded and she lost generations of precious, and very sentimental jewelry. They told her this: "your house appears too valuable to be this close to the road", as if her loss was her fault for having a nice house, an invitation of a sort for a thief to walk in! She was home at the time, napping on the couch, and had she come to and discovered the theives were present, her life would have been endangered! Human empathy and police work don't seem to go very well together, by the experience of my family. No effort was made to help my mother recover her precious family heirlooms, and she never got them back.
The highest-paid cops in New York State serve the primary purpose of fleecing passing motorists in towns which are much too big, but much too greedy to pay for their own police department, forcing all State taxpayers to subsidize additional hires so that they can pick up their slack, and their enforcement policies are nothing if not capricious. I won't offend a whole town for backing such capricious and greedy revenue raising, but if I could avoid having to drive through that on local town I would still have a squeaky-clean license.
Warren, when the US Constitutional 1st Amendment is repealed, and free speech becomes a crime, that's when I'll become a source of "job security" to your brethren in blue. I despise rapists, murderers, liars, thieves, embezzlers, and bullies, and regarding at least the latter 5 there has been way too much of such animals being dressed in uniforms, and given the power of the law. I am a highly empathetic man, and that is what has contributed to the anger which I often feel compelled to express in cyberspace. I believe in peaceful solutions to social problems, although it's only natural that violent outrages will provoke less than peaceful words at times. However, I cannot deny that my last comment went on ahead of my better judgement, which I regret. I am much too educated to really believe in the philosophy of bigots.
The reason why I am still around is that more who are on this forum have impressed me as being people who aren't just pipe smokers, but also of remarkable patience (a trait which I wish to develop more in myself, please don't doubt that), artistic interest, intelligence, and often very well-read. For such people I have only the highest respect and appreciation, and being aware that even these people may take offense when I fly off the handle, I'll take special care to avoid this, even if I have to turn away from news that would otherwise trigger such rage.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2015
DrWatson, that response is just plain ignorant. If you knew me personally, you would know what my family and friends know me for. I tend to get mercurial in my responses to injustice, but they know it's because I care, and that I would not harm anybody.
Have a nice day.
Janosh, I regret that I did not express my reaction to your situation more responsibly, as I would have had to on the street. The treatment of my family by the local authorities is no fiction, and this is one of the reasons why I get so worked up when similar stories are reported. I am truly sorry that this happened to you.



Feb 13, 2015
@Dave-You jumped the shit out of my signature line, and I don't know what injustice it represents. I guess that's just your mercurial nature. Recently, I got my ass in the air and got a little out of line on this forum. I apologized, and moved on. First Amendment or not, this particular forum is not for ALL expression; it's mostly for pipe and tobacco discussion.



Oct 14, 2014
and being aware that even these people may take offense when I fly off the handle, I'll take special care to avoid this

I try to follow simple process before hitting the "send post" button
step 1: Reread entire reply

step 2: If crap is found, delete, and rewrite

step 3: check for crap again, if crap remains, it's a sure sign it's time to log off, grab a bowl and chill for a bit

step4: if post is crap free, hit send
Crap is defined as anything that elicits an F U.
Usually works pretty well.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2015
Aldekaker, if you are entitled to express your opinion through your sigature line, then so am I - I owe you no apology for that. It was you who had insulted all government employees who don't serve in the military or quasi-military (law enforcement), myself included. You would know nothing of the constant social and administrative abuses which we have had to endure, in a society where nobody is calling for respectful treatment of any of us. We are the "nonessential" people - yes, the administrative asshats actually address us by that term when they fantasize that society could function without us. We are always treated as 2nd class citizens, even when we do everything to earn our meager pay. Military service wasn't an option for me anyway on account of my health record, and even though it was by no choice for which I was responsible, the drums of the militarists will beat their drums to call for patriotism (as they define it) and deride me as a lesser citizen until I'm dead.



Feb 13, 2015
Strange the way these these threads drift away from their original topic, isn't it? All makes for interesting discussion, provided we can keep it civil.
I would never seek an apology from someone who expressed their opinion. You are entitled to yours, as is everyone. You may be interested to know a little of the backstory behind my signature line, however. I myself never had the option to serve in the military, since as a child I suffered a ruptured eardrum, and the resultant infection(s) left me with a gigantic hole in my skull where the mastoid bone should be. My signature line actually came from a discussion I had with my (then) sixteen-year-old son, regarding his interest in volunteering for the military after high school. I advised him that if he was doing it as a service to his country, I was all for it. If he was doing simply for a paycheck and a pension, I was against it. I am all for for patriots; I am vehemently opposed to careerists. I don't know what sentiment could be any simpler. The rich, rich irony is that my signature line had no thought whatsoever of civil service government employees. It was merely a statement of my beliefs of patriotism versus mercenary motivation.

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