Seven Bowls in and Taste and Smell Changed!

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Jan 3, 2022
Title edited. Please read Rule 9. -jpm

First time pipe smoker, never smoked cigarettes and personally don't care for the smell. I started smoking to relax and enjoy the taste and smell. The room note was one of the big things for me and after about the 3rd bowl on my homemade cob, it started tasting and smelling actually very good without any burnt cob.

Currently smoking sutliff vanilla custard but wanted to try a black cavenaish. Tried it and honestly didn't care for it. My girlfriend really liked the smell of the vanilla but this smelled like cigarettes to her, which I didn't like and she doesn't want to be around me when she smells it.
Anyways I switch backed to the vanilla and it definitely taste better, but now , for the last 2 bowls, it smells like cigarettes to her and another friend I asked to smell it.

Did I ghost the bowl with the black cavendish? Am I smoking it too fast?. Am I not cleaning it right. I run a pipecleaner in the stem after each use until clean.
what am I doing wrong? It doesn't have the smell it had before. I only fully enjoyed 2 bowls and is alittle disappointing to say the least.
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Jul 10, 2018
Las Vegas
Did I ghost the bowl with the black cavendish?
Vanilla custard contains black cavendish so no.

Smoking too fast can definitely ruin flavor. Also pack it loosely and tamp as necessary.

Another thing that I find very beneficial to flavor is to let the pipe go out if it seems to want to. Overdrawing to keep a pipe going tends to ruin taste. There's absolutely nothing wrong with relighting.


Jan 3, 2022
So last night I did some experimenting and After reading through the forums and taking the advice from this thread, I came to a conclusion, kinda.

I let the tobacco dry, but now reading, probably not as much as I could. I packed it loose with barely any resistance and I only sipped on the pipe, even at times where I didn't get only but a small amount of smoke untill it would put itself out(although I really didn't relight all too many times)

This time the overall room note was good but the smell from each sip changed and it changed when I dumped the ashes at the top. I did this twice, and both times my girlfriend claimed the pipe all asuddended got very sweet. At first I thought she was crazy, then I proceeded to do it again after the ashes built up to see it she thought this again without her knowing. It did and it then followed by some sweet but not super sweet smells, followed by, as she described it, burnt cob(whether it is burnt cob or not). Them when I dumped the ashes, it repeats.

I really cannot smell it unless I leave the room and come back. But when she says it smells like burnt cob, those sips of smoke are harsh on the mouth and taste bad.(This only gets evident towards the bottom of the bowl, maybe still needs broken in?)

I didn't have the cigarette smell that was produced before, and dumping the ashes not only made it more smokable(as in I didn't light it as much) and improved the smell and taste. So what's the deal with this?
Thank you all that have helped so far. I didn't think smoking a pipe would be kinda tricky.
Mar 2, 2021
Alabama USA
For me, going without smoking a week once, I noticed I enjoyed the taste much better than everyday. I compared it to eating a favorite dessert or wine where the first is better than the last.

When Jesus turned the water into wine, the commentors said most hosts serve the best wine first.


Feb 21, 2013
For starters, stick with a blend your girlfriend will tolerate or smoke outdoors or otherwise away from her. Sip don't puff, and take your time. Since you are new at this, everything will taste new or unusual until you settle into a routine. And most of all, at this stage, your taste will change pretty often, so don't buy a bunch of any blend. Sample an array, but over time, take it slow.


Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
I didn't think smoking a pipe would be kinda tricky.
It is 'kinda tricky'. Not complex, or extremely difficult, but yeah 'kinda tricky' at first.

If you enjoy it enough to keep going though I would get a second pipe, (probably a briar) and a handful more tobacco samples so you can see what makes most sense to you.

As I am sure you have read - dry your tobacco, pack so the draw is comfortable, sip slow!

The ash you can gently tamp down rather than tipping out mid smoke, it does not amount to much by the bottom of the bowl.

If you have been smoking hot, run a pipe cleaner through the stem to the base of the stummel to absorb any moisture before a relight. You can essentially get that same fresh char light flavour right through if it is smoking cool.
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Can't Leave
Nov 8, 2021
It’s full of humectant and flavorings. Even seasoned smokers can have problems with blends like that.

try a more natural tobacco IMO

if you want only good smells get some potpourri or start vaping

Brobs is maybe being a bit extreme on his last point, but that others are good ones. I don't know about what is avialable in the US tobacco wise, but it is worth spending a bit extra to get a good blend, especially with aromatics which, from what I have heard, can become very 'cigarettey' due to the fact that they are not topped very well (just sprayed with flavouring, which goes away pretty quick, just leaving cheap tobacco).

As for smells, personally I don't smoke aromatics, but generally get approval from my girlfriend who seems to like the earthy, musky and woody flavours of tobacco (I mainly smoke Virginia/Kentucky blends). If your's is happy to let you smoke around her, then I would suggest you let her help you pick which tobaccos you want.


Jan 3, 2022
It’s full of humectant and flavorings. Even seasoned smokers can have problems with blends like that.

try a more natural tobacco IMO

if you want only good smells get some potpourri or start vaping
It's not only about smell. It's for taste and the experience in general. But I don't like a poor smell especially as I smoke in a shop. What are some more natural tobaccos?
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Jan 3, 2022
but it is worth spending a bit extra to get a good blend, especially with aromatics which, from what I have heard, can become very 'cigarettey' due to the fact that they are not topped very well (just sprayed with flavouring, which goes away pretty quick, just leaving cheap tobacco).
This may be the case. All I can find is sutliff aromatics in the tobacco and cigar stores around moe. Very poor selection. I tried to look up some online but then I read that people really like them and it's difficult to decide what are good blends that I'll actually like. I do like the sweet smell of the smoke but it always turns poor. Living in ohio I would think there would be good tobaccos around but maybe those days are gone.

I think when I dump the ash, I'm exposing the fresh tobacco and the toppings can immediately burn fresh, which is why it starts great but then goes south. I don't want to smoke crap. There's no point in it. And now that I know this isn't the best, leads me to believe there is something better to discover
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Nov 13, 2019
This may be the case. All I can find is sutliff aromatics in the tobacco and cigar stores around moe. Very poor selection. I tried to look up some online but then I read that people really like them and it's difficult to decide what are good blends that I'll actually like. I do like the sweet smell of the smoke but it always turns poor. Living in ohio I would think there would be good tobaccos around but maybe those days are gone.

I think when I dump the ash, I'm exposing the fresh tobacco and the toppings can immediately burn fresh, which is why it starts great but then goes south. I don't want to smoke crap. There's no point in it. And now that I know this isn't the best, leads me to believe there is something better to discover
Try something like Mac Baren navy flake

G&H cherry vanilla

Mac Baren vanilla roll cake

Mac Baren vanilla flake


Can't Leave
Nov 8, 2021
The Mac Barens are a good suggestion (I've only tried one of their HH series, which is non aromatic, but is absolutely delicious). I suspect that in the US 'Cornell and Diel' and 'GL Pease' my be the brands to investigate also.

Online ordering might be the way to go, I think the days of walking into a shop and finding loads of tobaccos are long gone. Perhaps some of the online stores have sample collection things to try a few out?

Finding a brand/manufacturer you like is a bit tough at first, and requires a bit of research. But seeing as that research is primarily smoking a pipe, it's not too bad!


Jan 3, 2022
I found a premium pipe shop in Columbus Ohio, where pipes are there main selling point. It's a bit of a drive but I might give it a look to see what they have.

Any other brands that are likely to be sold OTC in tins to look for? I'm going in with a list a see what they have.

Also thank you all that have contributed to this thread in my search for knowleglage. It's means alot.


May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
OTC's are generally burley blends. I didn't see where you mentioned any other pipes. A guy who goes by the handle Brother Jeremiah on YouTube swears by Vanilla Custard as his "go to" blend.


Oct 13, 2021
It's not only about smell. It's for taste and the experience in general. But I don't like a poor smell especially as I smoke in a shop. What are some more natural tobaccos?
Tastes are as variable as personalities ...
Finding what you like will be a little bit of an adventure, but looking at online reviews can be helpful. At least if you decide to try a type of blend, and find that it has 9, 20, 30 or even more reviews and they are all at the top of the "star" rating, then you know you'll have a high likelihood of liking that blend if it's a style for you.
If you're so inclined, look into these and read about them
Early Morning Pipe
Peterson Flake
Mac Baren HH Burley Flake