Hey there folks,
We are still good-to-go for next Saturday's Burner at Marie Curtis Park in Southwest Etobicoke. Please join Shutterbug, jdto, brdavidson, smokeybear, Cavendish, damnyak and me for our first ever PM/forums meet-up, swap meet, potluck and burner.
Where? Marie Curtis Park - https://maps.google.ca/maps?q=Marie+Curtis+Park,+Mississauga,+ON&hl=en&sll=49.303974,-84.738438&sspn=6.019296,23.686523&oq=marie+curtis+&t=h&hq=Marie+Curtis+Park,+Mississauga,+ON&z=14
When? September 21st from 11am - Whenever
Review the posts above to get a sense of what food folks are bringing. We'll be out rain or shine. But right now the long term forecast says sunny with a chance of showers with temps in the 20s (which would be the 70s for you folks in the US).
If you plan on attending, fire me a PM and I'll get you on the email list which we're using to coordinate the nitty gritty.
With regards to the swap-meet, I just picked up a collection of estates which I will have cleaned up and ready to go on Saturday. What are the rest of you bringing to swap, sell or give-away?
Happy Thursday,
-- Pat