I do believe this is the first time I have been called a senior. I love this website and all you guys. I have done some amazing things through this forum: I won a Storient pipe from Yavuz, Tried and loved Baron's Miskatonic University blend, acquired some decades old tobacco from Papipeguy, talked marketing with the mighty overload Kevin, and exchanged tobacco with some of you fine gentleman. But out of all of this the best things I have gained is a bunch of friends and some amazing knowledge. I'm so glad I took the plunge and signed up. Thanks for putting up with such a newbie. I look forward to meeting some of you in person some day.
For all of you just sitting in the background not signing up, do yourself a favor and take the plunge and join us. If any of you have any questions I can try my best to help you out, just shoot me a private message or drop a comment.
For all of you just sitting in the background not signing up, do yourself a favor and take the plunge and join us. If any of you have any questions I can try my best to help you out, just shoot me a private message or drop a comment.