Hello everyone,
I am 34 and I'm from Paris. I am here to talk about pipes and tobacco (Logic

I am a member of fumeursdepipe, a french forum, and friend of french and belgium pipemakers.
But I have to be honest with you, I am bored in this forum and I am looking for exciting discussions.
So, in the begging I'm not a smoker. No cigarettes. But one day, I want try cigar, and I loved it. Step by step this journey in the cigar's world took me towards to the pipe.
I started pipe 5 years ago with a corn cob Missouri with a terrific aromatic... Kentucky bird. What a bad memory... But I am a very curious guy and I started to read, read and read... Learn again and again... Yes, when something open the gate of my head, it becomes an obsession.
Today I have something like 55 artisan's pipe. You can take a look to my collection here :
Accueil > Galeries des membres > SendoT - Galerie des fumeurs de pipe - https://www.fumeursdepipe.net/pipegallery/index.php?cat=16311
And tobacco, I have something like 13 kg. I like everthing except aromatics.
My top 3 tobacco I have tested until now :
McClelland Dark star
Glpease renaissance
Synjeco Bad nun 2
"Hum... You are pipesmoker since just 5 years, but you have already tested Legendary tobaccos... Is it a joke?" No. I was lucky to meet a group of enthusiasts and we like to share. When one member have an opportunity to buy a great stock, we share between us.
So... That's it. Oh no, a little last thing, the technic of a pipe is very important for me.
It's simple,it's primordial, for me, to have the perfects drilling, 4mm or 4,2 in the shank a large and deep V, the point of teeths contact (sorry I don't know the name in english) is perfect, for me, under 3,7 mm.
Perfect transition between shank and the steam and a constant airflow without any turbulence.
So it's a bit confusing but I hope you will understand my presentation