I agree with the others. Keep your pipes/tobaccos at a constant temperature. Unless your collection is monstrous you shouldn't need to take up too much space...
Like everyone else said, In the house.
now, If one was to vacuum seal the tobacco, would it still matter where he stores it? (not that he's going to, Just a thought)
Nah, to be honest I barely used it. I do most of my smoking on the front porch at the moment anyway. Can't really remember when I last smoked in there.
Also, she's VERY happy now.
You're a wise man, Kris. Find yourself a good spot for the pipes and tobacco, and haul things out to the shed or porch when you need them. You're happy - wife's happy - definitely a good combo!
I have a good pipe stand that hangs on a wall. My girlfriend actually likes it hanging in the living room. Maybe you should consider something like that.