Selecing a new pipe style

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May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
As far as the smoking hot goes, I think a major reason people get the tongue bite/burn is because they're puffing too frequently to keep the bowl lit. The best way to curb this problem is to remember to occassionally tamp the ash down lightly. Just let the weight of the tamper press the ash down gently. Doing this periodically, about every 3-5 minutes or so, keeps the ember closer to the unburnt tobacco and helps the bowl stay lit longer. The answer could also be, as stated before, a different blend of tobacco. Some burn hotter than others. It's good to give each style a try. Get a quality aromatic from Peterson or Mac Baren, a quality English like one from Dunhill, and a quality Perique blend from either McClelland or GL Pease.
As far as churchwardens go I only have a cheap basket one that I picked up when I first started smoking. I hear Peterson and Savinelli have churchwarden models that smoke really well and I can attest to those being reliable good pipe companies as I have a few different shapes from both and they smoke wonderfully. Although I'm not sure just switching to a churchwarden would help a whole lot in achieving a cooler smoke. That will come more with experience than anything else. My only suggestion as far as a pipe goes for a cooler smoke would maybe be to try a filtered pipe. Savinelli makes filitered pipes that smoke wonderfully. I have two of them myself and love them both.
I hope you find the answer to the current dilemma of smoking hot. It's a very relaxing enjoyable hobby, especially when you find what works best for you and the smokes get cool and you can lose yourself in the flavors of the tobacco.



Jan 16, 2012
Eatonville, WA
Also as a rule of thumb dont smoke the pipe trying to keep the ember hot, smoke it to keep it from going out. You almost want it to go out and then take your next puff. Go through a cadence in your head in between puffs. Over heating the tobacco can actually ruin the flavor it was blended for. Keep it warm not on fire. and most of all enjoy the experiance because thats why you smoke a pipe.



Apr 8, 2012
I must be doing something terribly wrong. Despite my burnt tongue I could not resist the urge to smoke a new tobacco that my brother got me. I smoked about 3 bowls today out of the same corncob pipe.
Anyways, I looked at the roof of my mouth and there is a sore white patch that extends half way to the back of my throat. Also red and white spots on a sore tongue. Did I just go over board? Or is the to tobacco I'm smoking just to acidic (or is it basic?) for me?



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 29, 2011
San Mateo
When I first started smoking pipes I also experienced a bit of mouth soreness.
I smoked about 3 bowls today out of the same corncob pipe

Are you holding the pipe in your mouth in the exact same spot throughout the bowl? I could see how smoking the same pipe the exact same way each time may have focused the smoke to a particular point in your mouth. Maybe try moving the pipe around so that when you draw in the smoke it doesn't hit the same spot each time or try a different pipe altogether.
Some baccys also may not chemically agree with you contributing to tongue bite or some mouth soreness. Experimentaion is really all you can do to see if it is your method or tobacco which is causing your problem. Perhaps giving yourself a little time to heal wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Oh yeah...slow down your smoke! :puffy:



Apr 8, 2012
Jamerol- I have been rotating the pipe to different sides of my mouth. I have been trying to smoke much slower but when I get twards the bottom of the bowl and I need to re light I have to puff on it 3-4 times to get it going and I can realy feel the toung bite when I am doing that. Possibly I am packing the pipe wrong and I am having to apply to much heat on a relight to keep it going. The way I pack the pipe is the typical gravity feed until full, lightly pack to half full, gravity feed again and lightly pack to 3/4 full and then gravity feed with a final pack to about 1/8 th of an inch from the top. The draw has a small amount of resistance.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 29, 2011
San Mateo
There is nothing saying that you must smoke all the way down to the bottom of the bowl. If you've enjoyed the first 3/4 of the bowl and then end up with a little bit of wet dottle at the bottom, so be it. Toss it out and start all over again.

Some lesser quality pipes may not allow you to smoke all the baccy no matter how hard you try due to the draught hole not properly breaking through at the bottom of the bowl. As mentioned by some of the other members, a little drying time of your baccy may improve your outcome. And remember to tamp lightly and often.



Apr 8, 2012
When should I tamp? I tamp right at the first light when the tobacco rises but when should I do it after that?



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 29, 2011
San Mateo
When should I tamp?
As often as you like. Some tamp very frequently, some less often. I tamp about every 5 min. When you do tamp do so lightly and while lightly puffing. You only want to tamp with enough pressure to compress the ashes and coax the hot ember into the unburnt tobacco below it. The weight of the tamper itself should be enough to do this. If you can hear the tobacco crunching below the tamper your going to hard. Tamping too hard will also change how you loaded the pipe by compressing the baccy too much.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I agree, those relights on an near empty bowl are killing your tongue. If you have a well made pipe and become more practiced, you can smoke to the bottom without an issue, but not right now. It's not worth the pain, dump that dottle and start a new bowl.
There is nothing saying that you must smoke all the way down to the bottom of the bowl. If you've enjoyed the first 3/4 of the bowl and then end up with a little bit of wet dottle at the bottom, so be it. Toss it out and start all over again.

Some lesser quality pipes may not allow you to smoke all the baccy no matter how hard you try due to the draught hole not properly breaking through at the bottom of the bowl. As mentioned by some of the other members, a little drying time of your baccy may improve your outcome. And remember to tamp lightly and often.


Apr 8, 2012
I am happy to say I smoked the blend called Midnight from the tinderbox today and thoroughly enjoyed it without tongue bite! Thankyou all for your help, what a great community! Now my main problem is self controll! I can't seem to stop after 1 bowl. 1 turns into 5.

Still looking at geting a churchwarden mainly due to the fact that I am lazy and don't want to lift my hand all the way up, Ha!

So far I like the looks of the savinelli rustic churchwarden but I am open to other ideas. Anyone know of other solid color churchwardens? For some reason, even on normal pipes, I like the same color to be prevelent thought the pipe instead of the typical bowl one color, stem another.

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