Having worked in a large family owned retail sporting goods company that also sold clothing, you have to know who your customer base is and cater to that demographic. Are they affluent, middle class, what have you. As an example, when the owner's daughter came to work there, she was big into skiing, so she convinced her father to stock hundreds of $200.00 and up ski jackets and other high priced ski items. Now this was an inner-city business and ski apparel was to say the least a dumb move. We were selling the jackets for $50.00 or less at a big loss and I now work elsewhere since the business went bankrupt after many years of success.
Start small, I recommend bulks mainly and ARO's with some tins of the mainstay blends for the more informed. We all seem to move over time to VaPer's and VA flakes, but the newer and younger current and future pipe smoker's will go for the sweeter tobacco's first. I was just at Boswell's and while I picked up 4 different aged tins, I also bought 6 seperate 4oz. bags of their bulk blends. Nothing like the enticing smell of a good blend to make you pull the trigger. There is a reason Drew Estates sells tons of the ACID cigars, they are sweeter and the younger crowds love these.
So get to know the clientel, cater to them and again start small.