Need some help here. I want to get a better idea of my giftee's likes so how do I access his profile? I should be able to figure this out but I'm stumped as all I could get is his posting history, which was some help.
Find a post from your giftee, and click on their screen name. This will take you to the threads they've commented on, which I find helpful since, they drop little clues to stuff they like. You can also click on the Members link at the top of the page. Once there, you can type in the member's real name and access their other info (e.g. favorite blends, favorite pipes, etc...).
Hope this helps!
If you want an easier way replace my user name with your giftee's user name. (in case they didn't use their real name in their profile)
it just hit me since this is a "secret" santa do we not put a return address when mailing? would be obvious who sent it.
Edit: Sorry for double posting forgot to just edit previous post =S.
Agreed, nice thinking Duncan, mind if I use that moniker too? That way you can still use it and who ever reads the thread will still be less likely to figure out who is who.
Well I came home today to find that UPS had tried to deliver today and I could not figure out what it was!! Then it hit me, it must be my secret Santa gift!!! I guess I need to get mine out this week, along with some things to Kevin and Cortez!