Seattle Pipe Club\'s / Seattle Evening

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 4, 2009
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
Last night I tried this.
I wanted to open a new tin and did not know what to go for. I asked suggestions from Admin and Python.
It was around dinner time, I have found Admin not very helpful around this time as he is usually stuffing his face with Cuban Food which he does not share. Luckily Python came to the rescue and suggested Seattle Evening. Web Administrators are like (Policemen, Priest and Doctors) never around when you need them.......
This is my take on it Seattle Evening as it is being smoked
Opening Now, Would u believe it was at the top of the pile

Smells scrumptious, feels good maybe a tad to moist, nice cut ribbons not long strands so looks easy to pack, definitely lots of Latakia.
Going into Neerup

So far, slight sweet taste, no hint of bite, keeps lit easily, faintest of faint tingle on the tongue, almost unnoticeable

Excellent Choice, ohhhhhh yes , seems like it could be an all day smoke

Monkey Mate says 5 out of 5 peanuts, definitely one to keep on the monkey bar

Going into Neerup

So far, slight sweet taste, no hint of bite, keeping lit easily, faintest of faint tingle on the tongue, almost unnoticeable

Excellent Choice, ohhhhhh yes , seems like it could be an all day smoke
A little peppery lower down, but nothing much. I think I had it packed too loose and I was puffing too hard, Ok has settled down now, very nice. Lost taste towards very end, slight aftertaste in mouth but nothing unpleasant
Going for another bowl. Monkey Mate says 4½ out of 5 peanuts, definitely one to keep on the monkey bar.
8:00 am (Current time) , lighting a bowl as I do this review.
Just goes to show. One man's Seattle Evening is another man's Caribbean morning



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 4, 2009
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
Hate to do this, and its just my taste, but I'm downgrading Seattle Evening to 2 out of 5 Monkey Mate Peanuts, I'm getting something out of it like I got from Aromatics with some artificial thing. I just cant put my hand or rather tounge on it.
This is based on my Taste, and my Opinion, I don't mean to offend any Blender, and I am no expert except at BS



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
Good review Mate.
That is why a lot of people suggest smoking a few bowls of a blend just to make sure that you like it before buying large quantities of it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 4, 2009
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
This Is Crazy
I was looking for my post on Tobacco Reviews being an Inexact Science
I was about to give away my Tin of Seattle Evening, when I decided to give it one last chance
Now I love it
As I said the trick for me to finding what I like, is not only in the General Reviews, but to go on what someone who has similar taste says



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 4, 2009
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
Kevin and Good Folks
I just can't understand my complete turn around on 2 different tobaccos
This is why I am reluctant to give reviews
Its so subjective and so many variables

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