I have quite a bit of bulk tobacco stored in sealed ball or mason quart jars. I've noticed that after the first tightening, a retightening or two is required about a week later. Altho I'll recycle the jars, I always use new lids for every batch, being careful to get a perfect seal. Anyone else notice or do this retightening? Today, after tightening the daylights on four dozen quart jars I decides to do something I've never done before. Took a large pot and melted 30 - 40 neutral white unscented candles in it. I then dipped the top of the jar a couple times in the molton wax, and inverted them onto newspaper to dry. I wanted a visible wax seal between the glass and the metal. Now I have cellared row upon row of truly sealed ball jars, that I'm comfortable can last the duration. Anyone ever done this before?