Mr. Porchecigar, I have to give it a try, I prefer it without whisky.
Phil, my friend, I respect your point of view, what satisfies me I will smoke. I'm smoking Borkum Riff and Amphora, although all of the reviews are on the bad side; it satisfies me.
Smoking MacB Mixture now and I can say it is a tilt away from any others that I have tasted thus far. It has a sort of floral smell and taste. Its interesting, but the jury isn't out yet.
Mixture is the classic Danish light aro, all-day type of smoke. I smoke about a tin a year.
The mention of Mixture reminds me of a discussion that took place about "Scottish blends" on YPSC several years ago. Joe Harb - who is one of the tobacco reviewers at Pipes and Tobacco magazine, and who worked as a blender at Jack's in Milwaukee - told of going to Scotland a number of years ago and asking tobacconists for what they considered a "Scottish" blend. There was no uniformity, but a majority of the blends he smoked tasted more like Mixture than anything else.
I just picked up some McClelland Scottish Woods from my locale shop. The description on the tin says; "A classic full Scottish mixture, full-bodied and deeply flavored with the finest grades of delicately spicy Oriental tobaccos and cool, smoky Cyprian Latakia. Surprisingly refreshing owing to the rich matured and stoved Virginias that enliven this beautiful dark blend."
I'll update later with what I think of this blend. What do those of you that have smoked this think?