Oh but someday I want to go, see it all, where Churchill stood, Big Ben, the Naval Observatory, Dublin, the Old Head of Kinsale where the Lusitania was sunk, the Scottish Highlands, and now add the Lakeland District to the list.I love the Lake District, the sheep, the hiking trails, and summer rain, the daffodils, and the leisurely way of the people. I like the non-aromatic blends, the rope cuts, and other aspects of the tobacco.
The Rose Geranium flavoring and other aromatics from there I avoid. They are the only blends that would impel me to designate a pipe or pipes to avoid ghosting, and I don't like that flavoring enough to devote a pipe to it. I want flavoring that brings up the flavors in the tobacco itself, not that upstage or dampen those tobacco flavors, which for me, Rose Geranium does. That's my preference. Others love those flavorings and wouldn't have them any other way, and gladly designate pipes for the purpose. They are just not my thing.
But if you ever get a chance to go to the Lake District, do so. It is a lovely place to be.
I’m told the Ozarks is as close to Scotland as my ancestors could find, and the only delicacy unique to my beloved Ozarks is the roe of paddlefish, taken from above the dam at Warsaw.

MDC and federal agents snag major paddlefish poaching operation
Undercover investigation leads to arrests and/or citations of more than 100 suspects.
If Jesus came to your house, you’d never feed Him spoonbill.
Wild mushrooms and perch fish are tasty, but paddlefish is for furriners.