I do know. And I should reiterate, nothing of what I have said is attacking smokingpipes.com or anything that it does. At this past Vegas show, I got to sit there and have a long and pleasant conversation with Sykes. I very much appreciate that business.
What I’m arguing here is that there is no reason to oppose STG on any moral grounds. Their purchasing of Mac Baren and Sutliff is going to allow those brands to stay afloat when it would not have happened otherwise. After HH passed away, the ownership of Mac Baren, and all of his subsidiaries was in question. It was likely going to crumble into a pretty shitty brand.
In short, if the question is do I support smokingpipes.com or STG, the answer is a resounding yes.
STG has quality control down to a science. Sure, certain brands aren’t exactly what they used to be prior to the purchase, but they are also still some of the best ones on the market. I have never been disappointed with an STG blend, nor have I ever met one which contained mold or any other issue. Sure, when they acquire companies, they have to drop blends which aren’t as popular, but it raises the question: why were they not dropped already? That could have something to do with why the company question gets acquired.