Firstly, I'd like to say I'm in no way an expert relative to some who participate on this forum, however I do have a bit of knowledge regarding this discussion topic. So, on to this particular missive.
As usual this forum has proven to be quite provocative. There have been several good points made thus far. Shutterbug, you mentioned selling the e-cig could possibly cheapen the Savinelli brand. This is a legitimate concern, one that should truly be considered when taking on such a project. Pipe Stud, you too have broached a stimulating point. Dunhill has had cigarettes and cigars in their brand portfolio for some time now. I'm not certain, however I don't believe this has negatively affected the Dunhill brand.
When establishing an objective point of view, one must gather as much factual information as possible. Regarding the topic at hand, it's important to note a few things. According to the Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association, 45 million US citizens consider themselves smokers, and only 1.6 million of them were fellow brothers of the briar. Now, simply looking at this from a business perspective. We see there are approximately 43 million consumers who partake in some form of tobacco other than that which is burned in a tobacco pipe (most likely cigarettes). If a tobacco pipe company wished to gain market share in the US this leaves them with a few options. One is to attempt to hurdle over the monstrous barrier to market entry that is cigarette regulation, and another, much less daunting option, is to attempt to enter the e-cigarette market (It's important to note the e-cigarette is designed and marketed to target a completely different demographic than that of the pipe smoker). The latter poses much less difficulty and more promise. According to Wells Fargo, the 2013 projected market share for e-cigarettes in the US was $1 billion (statistic was last verified in January 2013). That's right, billion with a "b"... Crazy... I know.
Alright... If you're still reading (you deserve a medal), I'd like to address the Savinelli brand. Savinelli, as most of us know is and has been for many years one of the world's leading pipe manufactures. They've managed to produce thousands of pipes in a charming factory wedged in the Italian alps. A good portion of their staff have been employed by Savinelli for over 40 years. These are people who take tremendous pride in what they do, and it shows.
Anyhow, I thought I would offer up some food for thought.