Savinelli Sherwood Rock Briar... What, When, Why?

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Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
I recently jumped on the Sav 320 bandwagon with a Sav GDO 320. It is a beautiful pipe, but had to be heavily modified shape wise because of some serious burns on the outside of the bowl. It turned out quite nice and it's now one of my favorite pipes, but it didn't seem to embody the real 320 shape experience. So I went searching some more and came up with a very reasonably priced, ($33) Sav 320 Sherwood Rock Briar. I've never been a big fan of the worm wood finish that these had, but it seemed to look ok on this pipe. When I received the pipe, I realized it was much bigger than I thought it would be. I failed to notice that it wasn't a KS like my GDO, but was stamped EX. This is a pretty big honker! It was in really good condition, and cleaned up very easily.
As I was working on it , and later smoking it, I got to wondering what the heck were these pipes supposed to be? I mean, what years were they made, where did they fall in the line up of Savinelli's pipes, Why did they stop making them. I know part of why I never liked the looks is because some cheaper pipes like Masterson, and Alpha us the same finish, and it somehow looked cheap to me. But as I looked at this pipe, I could not find a flaw, and it was nicely made, with the drilling as it should be and it had a good fit and finish. Oh yeah, it smokes really great too! I realize that any flaws could be the reason for the worm wood look, an easy way to hide them for sure. I could find very little info online about the pipes though.

Was it a Sav second, or not? The stampings are Sherwood Rock Briar, Savinelli, Italy, 320EX.
Anyone have any thoughts about these pipes?




Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 18, 2014
Bloomfield, IN
I have no idea as to an answer to your question. I just wanted to say that I love the look of that pipe, very nice. Enjoy!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 29, 2016
I recently picked up a Savinelli 320 in that same Sherwood finish and had all the same reactions and questions. That worm finish is ugly. I have never liked it on any pipe I've seen but somehow the Sherwood grabbed me.

Great pipe. Fine smoker. And the finish grew on me.

Jan 8, 2013
I haven't an answer why they quit making them either. But yours is a fine looking 320. Congrats and enjoy the heck out of it :clap:



Feb 21, 2013
It's not the 320, but my wife gifted me with a Hercules Oom-Paul, my only pipe in that shape, and it couldn't be better; I'd recommend the series.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 29, 2016
FWIW, I have seven Sav 320s and the Sherwood feels like the densest, heaviest briar of the lot.



Jul 1, 2013
Iowa, United States
I have seen both 4 digit and 3 digit sherwoods. The numbers switched in 1979-1980. So they were made prior to that. I always thought they looked to be from the 70's to me. Check old Iwan Ries and Tinderbox catalogs and you might be able to narrow it down.



Jun 9, 2018
Hi: I was just looking for some forgotten info for these pipes too, and (mature brain) unfortunately I don't remember much ---Buttttt

I "cut my teeth on these pipes,

1. They had the Savinelli brand on them and for a college kid with very limited funds they allowed me a great looking "expensive" looking pipe.

2. Although I didn't think they were seconds-they might have been?? They do have the Savinelli' name stamped on them.Savinelli Sherwood, on both the pipe and the box, but I remember they were cheaper than other Savinelli.

3. I just went to the closet and found several boxes for the Sherwoods. Why Savenilli would give a pipe an English name ?? don't know.

They were made in Italy.and have several different numbers for the models. 511,611 etc

5. They smoke GREAT! They were always my favorite, of the pipes I could afford in the 70's.. And I'm kinda heartbroken at the moment because I found 7 boxes with the silk bags in them--BUT I ONLY HAVE TWO OF THE PIPES, :cry: boohoo

Kind of sad that I could buy a Savinelli' in the 70"s when I was going to college on the GI Bill, and now I'm a retired old fart and I can't--WON'T pay what new brand name pipes cost.

Oh ya-while looking at the Sherwood boxes I ran across a Peterson box too, on the box I could still read a price stamp---wait for it---$15.00 !!!


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Looks like Elvis may have smoked a SherWood Rock Briar.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2017
I have seen a some of these for sale on ebay a few times in the past.

And also was puzzled about this rustication?

I have not found one that is very pleasing to my eye yet. but would like to know the story behind them!

I hope a Savinelli collector or tobacconist that knows about these Sherwood line of pipes chimes in.



Jan 7, 2019
Maybe it’s “just a 70’s thing. You wouldn’t understand” kind of scenario. Look at the clothing back then. I mean, wow man! Far out!
Maybe they were trying to say “Hey, us pipe smokers/carvers are wild & rebellious too. Check it out. Like, groovey wormwood man.” :lol:
Or, maybe not. I think it looks pretty cool though.
Just thinking outside the box on this one.



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
Surprised to see this thread resurrected. Funny thing is, as much as the Sherwood pipes interested me at the time, I ended up selling it as it was too big and heavy, and the chamber was so-so for the size of the pipe. I appreciate all the feedback here on the subject of this particular style of Savinelli pipes, and I may look for another one in a size more to my liking, they are interesting in an odd way.

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