I recently jumped on the Sav 320 bandwagon with a Sav GDO 320. It is a beautiful pipe, but had to be heavily modified shape wise because of some serious burns on the outside of the bowl. It turned out quite nice and it's now one of my favorite pipes, but it didn't seem to embody the real 320 shape experience. So I went searching some more and came up with a very reasonably priced, ($33) Sav 320 Sherwood Rock Briar. I've never been a big fan of the worm wood finish that these had, but it seemed to look ok on this pipe. When I received the pipe, I realized it was much bigger than I thought it would be. I failed to notice that it wasn't a KS like my GDO, but was stamped EX. This is a pretty big honker! It was in really good condition, and cleaned up very easily.
As I was working on it , and later smoking it, I got to wondering what the heck were these pipes supposed to be? I mean, what years were they made, where did they fall in the line up of Savinelli's pipes, Why did they stop making them. I know part of why I never liked the looks is because some cheaper pipes like Masterson, and Alpha us the same finish, and it somehow looked cheap to me. But as I looked at this pipe, I could not find a flaw, and it was nicely made, with the drilling as it should be and it had a good fit and finish. Oh yeah, it smokes really great too! I realize that any flaws could be the reason for the worm wood look, an easy way to hide them for sure. I could find very little info online about the pipes though.
Was it a Sav second, or not? The stampings are Sherwood Rock Briar, Savinelli, Italy, 320EX.
Anyone have any thoughts about these pipes?
As I was working on it , and later smoking it, I got to wondering what the heck were these pipes supposed to be? I mean, what years were they made, where did they fall in the line up of Savinelli's pipes, Why did they stop making them. I know part of why I never liked the looks is because some cheaper pipes like Masterson, and Alpha us the same finish, and it somehow looked cheap to me. But as I looked at this pipe, I could not find a flaw, and it was nicely made, with the drilling as it should be and it had a good fit and finish. Oh yeah, it smokes really great too! I realize that any flaws could be the reason for the worm wood look, an easy way to hide them for sure. I could find very little info online about the pipes though.
Was it a Sav second, or not? The stampings are Sherwood Rock Briar, Savinelli, Italy, 320EX.
Anyone have any thoughts about these pipes?