Well, I just finished my second smoke in the 320, this time without the converter. With a converter in, this pipe smoked beautifully on its maiden smoke. With the converter out for the second smoke, it really came alive. With the wide open draw, this pipe, again with Black Frigate, produced a lot of smoke with little effort. Again, it produced great flavor, and I didn't know my tobacco was gone, until... well, it was gone. Why it took me so long to finally pull the trigger on one of these is beyond me. I suppose, I chalked a lot of the talk to just that... talk. No, this thing smoked amazingly on its first smoke, and even better on its second. The bowl did get a little warmer on this smoke about two thirds into it. I slowed down enough that it went out and had to relight. But that's perfectly fine. After lighting it back up again it was back to yummy and smokey tobacco bliss. I will DEFINITELY be getting another 320! Hopefully soon. I think I'll let it rest tomorrow. But I'm thinking about a third smoke on Tuesday with a different blend, to see how it does with something other than Black Frigate. I'm not ruling out dedicating this to that blend, but I would like to see how it smokes something else.