I can't believe I have to post this. Gawith, Hogarth & Co is a wonderful company and they make many wonderful blends. As mentioned, Chris Gawith has talk about his families wonderful tobaccos on PM! What was'nt mentioned was the rarely spoken of subsidiary Belezabub Gawith Flakes run by Azazel Abbadon Damian Gawith, Chris's great, great, great uncle who apparently just won't die. He makes the Dark Flakes and Dark Plugs (the packaging looks just like GH&Co. to deceive you) in service to Lucifer. Apparently they are made with infant sacrifices, unholy water and toppings from Phillip Morris. So as long as you stay away from those, you'll be ok. Yeah. Stay far away. I buy as much as I can find and just burn them in the backyard to save you all. You're welcome!