I opened the tin and thought a dog had pooped in it. That's about the best way I can describe the visual presentation of the black twisted rope tobacco inside.
It took forever to get the oily, black tobacco prepared for loading. I used a small knife to slice off a swack and then spend forever whittlin' it down to shavings small enough to fit into my pipe. It took forever to light, too.
Once I got a decent burn going and actually began smoking Black XX, I realized that preparing the leaf for smoking was the easy part. The first time I blew smoke from my nose, I singed every hair in my nostrils - this stuff is spicy!
I am all for nicotine and thought I could handle that drug in any measure. Boy, was I wrong. I started to hiccupp after about the 10th puff. I was swoonin' and droolin' by the 20th puff. Don't ask me what happened after that because I don't remember.
The room note was pleasant as was the "all tobacco" taste. It is so unique that I urge you to try it once. And believe me, once was enough for this cowboy.
I admit it, Black XX rope made me cry uncle. I don't think I'll need another smoke for at least a week... make that a month.